American reacts to German Police teach these GROWN MEN a lesson

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Since beginning of 2021, taking pictures of a fatality of an accident is punishable with up to 2 years in prison.


human dignity does not end with death. Losing a loved one like that is hard enough; no one needs pictures of it on the internet


I am working for a tow company in germany. I have seen a lot of unpleasant situations. Dead bodies of adults and kids. Cars full of blood and even sprinkled brains inside a car.
This people do not understand what they are doing. It is unsensitive and dangerous for everybody working on that crash site. They do not pay attention on traffic anymore.
I was called to a crash on the highway. The moment i arrived there was a crash on the opposite site because of people like this. Car parts flew in my direction.
It is not enough what they pay. They should pay 1200€ and get the license suspended for 6 month. They risk lifes. There is no excuse for that.


I don't think the lesson is "don't take pictures of traffic accidents." The lesson is "respect the suffering and pain of other people."


Taking photos at accident scenes, gawking and obstructing rescue workers are restricted in Germany. This has nothing to do with documenting police work. This serves to protect the victims or those affected.


If you act like a childish person, you get handled like one.


I work at a german hospital, and we try to save peoples life after accidents. I totally understand this policeman.


The german police literally does what every parent should have teached their child.


It’s the freedom of the victims and their relatives NOT to have the pictures posted at the internet.
And for the policemen it’s hard to deal with the idiots taking pictures while securing the accident site with some corpses on the ground.😢


A friend of mine is a firefighter in a big city in Germany. He told me from an accident on the Autobahn where people gathered at a nearby bridge to film and take pictures of the accident.
At one point the firefighters got their hose going and literally washed the scumbags off of that bridge.


@Ryan Wass: In Europe you are Press, if you work for the press. You are not part of the press just by taking pictures and posting them on social media


There were also incidents where firemen sprayed water into the cars that are gazing and taking pictures of the accident.


The 128, 50 (+1 point) ARE for using the Smartphone while driving and nothing else, that didn't become clear here. It's one reason why he's doing it.


Stopping and staring during an accident is a criminal offense in Germany. especially when seriously injured or dead people are photographed


Policing in Germany is something totally different than in the States, beginning with: We train our cops longer than 16-Weeks. After 2, 5 Years they start in the lowest ranks.


Your freedom ends where another person is harmed by your actions.


The fine at the moment of this recording was not for the pictures as such, it was for holding the phone while operating a motorvehicle. Since then, legislation has changed and now it is indeed illegal to take pictures of victims of an accident / crime.
I was part of a team that had to tell parents/relatives that a person they loved and cared for would not come home anymore and experienced one or two times that information about an accident had reached family before we could inform and take care of them.


The bigger problem than posting shameful pictures is that these idiots starts to put on the breaks and often cause another accident or traffic jams with that


I think there are two major differences in this topic between the US and Germany (Europe).

In Germany, your freedom to express yourself, take photos, etc. ends where someone else's freedom begins.

Or to put it another way: The dead lorry driver can no longer give his permission for photos to be taken of him and presumably published. Ergo: It is forbidden.

In the USA, the dead lorry driver can no longer actively object to not having his photo published, so it can be done.

I'm only familiar with something like the true crime documentaries, where the uncensored photos of the vctim and perpetrators can be seen, from US TV. In Germany, both perpetrators and victims are usually highly anonymised.


Ryan, as an Australian having spent some months driving around Deutschland in the past, (I'm a touring musician) I always found the Deutsch Polizei firmly pleasant, helpful and polite. I also saw people screw with them, which they quickly regretted. And rightly so !
