Why The World FEARS GERMANY'S LEOPARD 2 Tank! (American Soldier reacts)

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There's a cool video where the German army demonstrates the turret stabilization system by placing a jug of beer on it, and then driving like mad men through the terrain, and not one drop spills.


the Leopard 2A6 is also available with active armor. Turkey just didn't want them. In addition, there were various tactical mistakes by the tank commanders.


Yeah, the way the turkish military used these tanks, it was no wonder that things ended up as they did.
The fanciest toys are useless if used by someone who has no idea about what they are doing.


The Turks have no idea how to use Leopard tanks. The tanks must be used in conjunction with other units. A single tank at the front is an easy target.
Also, it was said in the video that were have the old A4 variant. The Urkaine gets the newer A6 variant. The Leopard 2 A7 is the latest upgrade.


saw L2 in training - quite impressive how it automatical tracks an enemy while moving... like the cannon does float above the tank without followring the bumping tank. It has quite some computingpower to track targets where the commander can select them and the gunner can work on one after another as each has its own optics..


Just figured I would mention. The ones destroyed in Syria are older cold war 2A4 models. The current versions are the 2A6 and 2A7 which have improved on the turret issues considerably.


Germany is known for tanks and beer: and the Leopard 2 can carry a beer mug on the main Canon without spilling beer. I would have linked another video with more facts but can't find it - this one is tiktok style with Bavarian music.


The Leopard 2 A7V (we all have heard that name before 🤣) has a function that allows it to automatically engage an enemy who paints the Leo's hull with a range finding laser.


The guy said Merkel's party is rightwing... yeah it's not. conservatuve maybe, but really more center.


With the turks, well not even the fanciest tank would have helped there, maybe some active protection system with some of the anti tank missiles, but other than that they essentially drove those tanks into traps designed to defeat tanks.


Trevor Noah make a joke about german tanks a few month ago ....bringing german tanks to a war is like a black woman takes of her earrings in a fight...
Nothing good happens after this😆


Rheinmetall recently released a new tank : the panther, its the worlds most invented tank including drones and a 360 degree camera view from the outside, you should make an reaction about it


I grew up there and went to school where the Leo is built and developed and other weapon systems. And I've seen bigger Wallmarts in America than the factory and production building together with the test tanks (yes the Leo can also dive) in terms of area. The city where the factory is located is ideal for people who don't live there or who don't speak the dialect. Before 9/11 we also met to play football on the proving grounds. And the high school graduates from the surrounding schools were able to celebrate their graduation party in the management canteen. But at the moment the fact is that all these armaments industries in Germany look more like a run-down three-story administration building than modern armaments factories and above all the towns in which they are located are very inconspicuous, which is even more important with the war, to avoid spies or saboteurs to recognize. And it's all decentralized and autonomous. If we had to switch to a war economy, that would theoretically be very fast and efficient. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true of the current equipment of the Bundeswehr. We changed fundamentally as a people after 1945. Ours, my great-grandmother, got involved with Hitler and in the end there was nothing left of Germany but hatred of us and the ruins of our cities. And that is why we find it so difficult to deal with war and weapons in a politically efficient manner. And even if we all put it through our grandparents to put pacifism before aggression, it's still difficult to "militarize" the Germans again, but we have no other choice. Because the only thing the Kremlin understands are 120 mm grenades from a smoothbore cannon from a Leo 2. With all pacifism. And thanks for your videos, I find it very interesting how Americans experience us and Europe. greetings from Munich


Actually, the tank is manufactured by KraussMaffeiWegmann, the turret comes from Rheinmetall


Also nice to know: The Leopard 1 and the M1 Abrams have the same predecessor in development. A joint project between the USA and Germany in the mid-1960s, the MBT-70 / Kpz70 (German designation) only marginally. So the resemblance of both tanks is no coincidence.


"We need an engine to this new tank we're developing"
"How about this ship engine our navy use?"
"Ok, sounds like a perfect fit"


Have you heard of the new Panther (The KF51 Panther not the WW2 Panzerkampfwagen V Panther)? It's the successor to the Leopard 2 and Rheinmetall has released some images. I think it looks like it's from a near-future science-fiction movie or a game.


The Abrams and the Leopard are literally "brothers", as they share the same roots.


In the part of the Video about the turkish army there were used old Leopards 2A4's noeerdays germany uses the 2A7v model, which has been improved a lot


7:47 Every tank in the world has the weakness of being attackable from the sides and more vulnerable.
Because when the tanks were developed, the wars were front against front
and now the tanks are also used in the Middle East and in cities
And because of this, it is possible for the enemy to get very close to the tank and shoot at it from the side. What used to be simply not the norm in a conventional war or only happened very, very seldom.
