Every Sorting Algorithm Explained in 120 minutes (full series)

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This is a compilation video of the 4 existing sorting videos on my channel.

Corrections / clarifications: none so far

Resources I mentioned in section 4:

0:00 Intro
1:34 Selection
2:04 Double Selection
2:30 Insertion
3:07 Binary Insertion
3:56 Bubble
4:28 Shaker
4:46 Asymptotic Notation
7:40 Finding Time Complexity
9:48 Quick
11:51 Merge
13:10 Stability
14:11 Space Complexity
15:57 Heap
18:46 Comb
20:05 Shell
21:28 Radix LSD
25:28 Radix MSD
26:11 Bucket
28:58 Counting
30:26 Spaghetti
31:03 Gravity
32:33 Pancake
33:45 Bogo
34:53 Section 2 Intro
35:16 Cycle
35:55 Patience
37:04 Exchange
37:49 Odd-Even
38:12 Circle
39:13 Merge-Insertion
40:13 Tournament
41:00 Tree
42:09 Gnome
42:41 Library
43:28 Strand
44:20 Topological Sorting
45:18 Sorting Networks
46:57 Bitonic
48:43 Odd-Even Network
49:07 Pairwise Network
49:42 Why Hybrid Algorithms?
52:34 Quick LL
52:59 Dual Pivot Quick
53:53 Proportion Extend
54:40 Intro
55:21 Pattern Defeating Quick
57:06 Tim
58:54 Iterative Merge
1:00:20 In Place Merge
1:01:10 Weave
1:01:42 Rotate Merge
1:02:59 Quad
1:04:37 Block Sort Preview
1:05:08 Weak Heap
1:08:19 Smooth
1:11:23 Poplar
1:11:52 Ternary Heap
1:12:26 In Place Radix MSD
1:13:45 Binary Quick
1:14:09 In Place Radix LSD
1:14:53 American Flag
1:15:57 Burst
1:16:21 Spread
1:17:19 Sample
1:18:05 Proxmap
1:18:24 Cartesian Tree
1:18:56 Section 4 Intro
1:23:05 Outline
1:25:29 Sqrt
1:30:05 Block
1:36:39 Wiki
1:41:57 Grail
1:50:07 Stooge
1:51:06 Slow
1:52:08 Quantum Bogo
1:52:33 Stalin
1:53:36 Sleep
1:53:56 Miracle
1:54:20 Bogobogo
1:55:24 Power
1:56:09 Outro

#math #sorting #algorithms #explained #math #computerscience
Рекомендации по теме

I hope you enjoyed learning about algorithms! And for returning viewers, I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane!


genuinely love the way you've adapted this into a worlthwhile viewing experience rather than just a compilation, the little titles are so cute, and the new bits of voiceover make this feel like it was always supposed to be one huge video.


Have I watched each of the individual videos before? Yes. Will I watch this compilation? Absolutely.


The idea of sorting networks is really reminding me of how factorio balancers work


does anyone else ever get annoyed at Quick Sort being called Quick Sort, like that just feels unfair to the rest of the sorts. why isnt it called like "Partition Sort" or something


so many creators would just say "every sorting algorithm explained" and just give like 8 examples with little to no explanation, this goes in depth and covers a variety of different examples which is what I love these videos


Here's a favorite joke algorithm of mine: Intelligent Design sort.

It works like this: First, observe that the probability of the array being in the exact order that it's in by chance is 1/(n!), this is so unlikely that we must conclude that the array was put in that order by an intelligent Sorter, who must have sorted the elements by some metric beyond our mortal comprehension. This means that any change we might make to the array would actually make it _less_ sorted, which would be against the Sorter's plan. Therefore, the algorithm is complete. This has O(1) Time Complexity.


Two hours of high quality and well-thought-out content? Am I dreaming??


I'm a huge fan of all of the icons! They are all very clean and well designed!

Great work on all the visuals and research in the series!!


There goes my plan to make a sorting algorithm explanation. I can just redirect people here now.


20:38 there is an among us hidden in the purple bar


22:10 I may have mentioned this in the original video, but radix sort *can* be used on strings (as long as characters have a fixed-size representation). It's most efficient with fixed-size strings, but can even be used on variable length strings.


Very nice video. Regarding the bonus section at the end -- you'll no doubt be pleased to hear that the latest SIGBOVIK conference introduced bogoceptionsort! Bogosort may accidentally sort very small lists correctly in only a few iterations. To prevent this, bogoceptionsort first shuffles the *order of the lines of code* that make up the bogosort implementation, then attempts to run it, then checks to see if the list is sorted. This effectively pads the number of elements in the list, making it perform extremely poorly for even lists of size, like, five.


I don’t understand any of how block sort works but I’m glad computers do


This series of videos inspired me to create a sorting algorithms visualization that runs on my CASIO graphical calculator, I implemented 16 different algorithms and it was really fun. Thank you.
Great video, very helpful and interesting.


My favorite sorting algorithm of all time was an entry in a slow sorting competition, titled "bureaucratic sort". It is not merely spectacularly time inefficient, it wastes tremendous amounts of space as well: generate all possible lists that can be created with the elements of the original list (every permutation of every set in the power set of the original list), then compare each generated list to the original list to see if it might be a sorted version of the original list, then if it qualifies, check if it is sorted. The comparison of lists and checks to see if a list is sorted are, naturally, done as slowly as possible (O(n) for a pair of lists with lengths n and m, with n <= m, and O(n^2) for checking if a list is in order). On a computer from a bit over a decade ago, it became intolerably slow beyond n=5.


gotta admit, 80% of block sort flew over my head after sqrt, but i loved this entire video anyway, thank you so much


Minor typo — 1:05:15 says O(nlgon) instead of O(nlogn) in the magenta rectangle


Someone should make a paranoid sort algorithm, like bubble sort, but it swaps items a random amount of times just to make sure it's actually swapped, and should have a save function it spams just in case it crashes. You can also make it randomly mess up or starts over completely, maybe even go through twice and compare the two finished sorts to see if it got the same outcome before determining if it's sorted or not


Forever proud of actually using bogosort back in uni and getting it accepted
