How to Become a Polyglot: 11 Proven Tips And Strategies

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Are you seeking information on how to become a polyglot?

Good news:

Becoming multilingual doesn’t have to be difficult. This video gives you 11 easy tips to get there.

Some of the principles and strategies you'll learn today are counter intuitive.

For example, you might be looking for examples of a polyglot speaking languages. But what if that person only knows how to read and write in the language?

Chances are, you can learn a lot from that person too.

Really, it all comes down to learning strategy, scheduling and mindset.

--- Further Resources ---

Full article:

Fake vs. Real Polyglots: Here's the Truth

Everyone can become a polygot | Taisiia Tvertina | TEDxTwenteU

The Man Who Speaks 40+ Languages

Part One of this How to Become Fluent in a Language series:

Free Memory Improvement Kit:

If you enjoyed this video on memory training and mnemonic memory techniques, please help others by adding some captions.
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Need more language learning help?

Check out How to Become Fluent In A Language:

Luca's video on Fake vs. Real Polyglots is worth checking out too:

Fake vs. Real Polyglots: Here's the Truth


1- Master one language first
2- Learn how to learn
3- Limit your ressources
4- Don't always learn words in context
5- Strategically learn in context
6- Separate gathering words and phrases from learning them
7- Spend lots of time with native speakers
8- Read a TON
9- Know the different kinds of motivation
10- Learn grammar as you go
11- Add the next language before you're ready


The best definition ive herd of a polyglot so far is someone who knows to speak at least two languages and is actively seeking knowledge of another.


I was a genuine believer (from messages received from a teacher as a child) that I would never be able to learn languages.
It was learning the memory tools in the Moonwalking book in my 30’s that changed everything. After memorizing 1000 vocabulary cards in 3 days my mind was blown. So powerful!
Now I’m in love with language exploration and the treasures that they unlock. We even started moving and living in different places around the world to study with natives. So much gratitude for teachers like you.

My favorite stats: 1000 characters make up 90% of commonly used Chinese.
Wow! That not difficult at all!


I just discovered your channel and I am delighted with the content. I'm Peruvian and my mother tongue is Spanish, and I try to practice my English by listening to videos, now your videos =). I'm glad to know that I was able to understand almost 80% without reading subtitles. Thanks for the video, super useful and motivating. Many successes with the channel 🙏 Now subscribed! Greetings from Llama land 😁


Thank you for your advice. I've always read a tons of books on my native mother language. And some day I look around and I notice that I have to lot materials, and I need to learn as I 've been learning when I was a child. I'm currently listening polyglot and reading reading and reading so many materials. And I start learning a new language from scratch.


Thank you dr. Anthony Metivier for helping us with your teachings. God bless you.


Another excellent teaching video Anthony. I could tell what you said at the end because you were waving as you said it. Lol.


For me the best tip is to maximize exposure to the target language till you realize how chaotic it can be without understanding the rules, i.e Grammar.
For me Grammar's almost a relief, the repetition amidst chaos. Could be related to the "E" in Kave Cogs, who knows. Good luck


Excellent, that covered all the questions I asked after part 1! "The hunter that chases two rabbits rarely catches either" succinctly encapsulated the point I was trying to make in the comments on that video (less is more!). I'll wait for parts 3 and 4 before embarking on a journey I think, I'm interested in the software suggestions.
As an aside, would you recommend your own books in French and Spanish learning? I notice they're from 2015 and wondered if you thought they were dated at all and if you'd teach things differently these days?


Anyone who learns languages for the sheer joy of it is a polyglot!


I’m 42 years old and I decided I would love to be a polyglot something if been wanting to do and never got to do, can I learn Japanese and Chinese or is that to close like jqpqnees and chinees, I whatnot to challenge myself and learn the languages like Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic, then maybe Czech then Russian I want to learn the languages that takes the longest to learn and then maybe when I’m older if my mind goes south health wise which I know it’s not always an age thing but if I don’t learn complicated languages learn them then pls by then I would learn more of the easier language like the Germanic and Romance languages.


Need help Anthony sir, I felt sleepy after studying 1 hour is it common or not in anyone .
Even I am studying using memory palace or visualization or active recall, I felt sleepy .
Please help me to study, reasons to sleepy and solution, I have no health issues till now .


It seems far more difficult to be able to handle the verbal language. for instance, I can figure out written Portugues with my knowledge of Spanish and secondarily French. but I still don't know how Portugues uses the alphabet. I think it's HIGHLY important to become proficient in your own NATIVE language before embarking on additional languages. I've asked friends how to do say such in such in their native languages and they've often struggled to give me an answer. Yet, I can nearly always provide them an answer in how to say something in English -- provided it's translatable.


Is there difference between Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew ?


Sir, I just realized why can't we use our body as mind palace by sensory. I tried by touching one specific area of our body and giving an association and adding network. It's works like a magic.

Sir make this concept as one video
Body palace...

I'm glad if I get reply


Hey! Im learning Russian by myself. I wrote down a lot of conversational phrases and Listen to podcast, watch videos. It's been 1 year and 11 months and i can have conversations with natives. Still quite basic but i understand a lot, i guess that is a good method but also requires a lot of effort. Does anyone do the same ?


How can I learn multiple languages at the same time? Also classes are expensive
