My 98% A-Level Economics Paper - Part 1

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Hello, welcome back to the channel! In this video I walk through the first half of my 2022 AQA A-Level Economics Paper 1 - Microeconomics. In this paper I managed to achieve 97.5% (78/80). Hopefully you can gain something from this insight, regardless of which A-Level Economics exam board you are. Let me know if you have any questions.
Enjoy the video!
00:00 Intro & Proof
02:00 2-marker
02:48 4-marker
05:09 9-marker
08:02 25-marker
😁 Who am I?
Hi there, I’m Sam, a 19 year-old prospective ‘youtuber’ who studies Economics at the University of Cambridge. I make videos that hopefully motivate and inform you about learning, education, revision - as well as what I get up to! If that sounds like something that appeals to you then maybe consider sticking around for weekly videos!
📧 Economics Email Newsletter:
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Interested in me tutoring you this year? This can be anything from A-Level Maths or Economics, to Personal Statement Advice or Mock Interviews. Fill out the form below.
🧠 Brainscape:
Brainscape is an amazing, completely free revision card website and app. I have 2 Brainscape classes which contain the revision cards that I used to study A-Level Physics and the second year of A-Level Economics (for AQA). Be sure to check these out if you would like to!
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Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Enjoy the video!
00:00 Intro & Proof
02:00 2-marker
02:48 4-marker
05:09 9-marker
08:02 25-marker
😁 Who am I?
Hi there, I’m Sam, a 19 year-old prospective ‘youtuber’ who studies Economics at the University of Cambridge. I make videos that hopefully motivate and inform you about learning, education, revision - as well as what I get up to! If that sounds like something that appeals to you then maybe consider sticking around for weekly videos!
📧 Economics Email Newsletter:
📚 Tutoring:
Interested in me tutoring you this year? This can be anything from A-Level Maths or Economics, to Personal Statement Advice or Mock Interviews. Fill out the form below.
🧠 Brainscape:
Brainscape is an amazing, completely free revision card website and app. I have 2 Brainscape classes which contain the revision cards that I used to study A-Level Physics and the second year of A-Level Economics (for AQA). Be sure to check these out if you would like to!
🎥 Suggest a YouTube Video:
Want to see me make a particular video on a topic of your choice? Leave your ideas below!
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0