Which is worse for fitness: 3 weeks of bed rest or 30 years of aging? (SHOCKING answer...)

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I just recently spent nine days unconscious in the ICU, followed by seven days of bed rest in the PCU after a head injury. I couldn’t stand, find my noise with my figure, locate my mouth to drink water or hardly anything else. When I was released home, even walking to my apartment from the car would cause me to need to rest for an hour. I have been a runner almost all my life. I have run ultra-distance races; I had just run five miles the day before I hit my head. So imagine 12 days of not moving, and I couldn’t stand it. It was wild. I’m almost back to normal now and plan on my first training run tomorrow but fuck, man.


Continuum on the theme, 'Never sit still.'
Thank you, Dr. Levine.


When I 13 I was in a coma for 5 weeks and for the next 3 weeks I hardly got out of bed. I was fit before my head injury and after was the best athlete in the whole school 3 years later and the following 2 years when I was 16+ that's athletics, rugby and cricket. I played virtually 7 days a week. The key is being very fit. If I had been older and not as fit at the time then I'm pretty sure I would dead or in a wheel chair!


❤BED … 54 hours a week… love making 4 hours a week… the rest of the time in the week your body and mind should be moving … keeping productive and busy … even if my math is incorrect ❤


Well I guess 6 weeks of the broken ankle isn't so great cuz I haven't been able to move


So 5 55 year olds (%100 in this epidemiological study ) were in better shape cardiovascular wise in their mid 50's than they were mid 20's, Just because they bed rested 3 weeks in their mid 20's. All five must have lived the perfect way the following 30 years.
