Prusa MK4 Review - Is it actually fast?

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In this video we’re doing a review of the new Prusa MK4 and testing the speed and time it takes to build a large full modular display case!

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Prusa MK4

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After graduating from Engineering school I pursued a quick professional football career in the Canadian Football League. I retired from the CFL after just two years to focus on business development and investing. I currently own and operate an engineering design and 3D printing company and a few other businesses that are discussed on this channel !

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I built a Voron to print fast and quickly found out what speed is worth at the expense of everything else. My job requires making flawless production parts. Quality is what matters. My Prusa has been grinding out good parts for years with almost no issues. I'm pretty miffed about my XL pre-order too, but holding out on judgement. The company has earned a bunch of good will, enough to last them through tough times at least.


Will be interesting to see how the MK4 times change once the input shaper firmware is out and you can push it even more.


Glitter filament seems to be better in hiding lines and defects than matt or glossy pla in my experience. So it could be if you would reprint it on the MK3 that the difference would not be that high.


Wonderful & informative video. Your perspective is important for this video because this is your business. I've had Stratasys Dimension, FlashForge, MiniBots, 16 V3 Pro & V Enders and 2 MarkedForge Onyx where I taught. Needless to say I have spent a lot of money on 3D Printers without a lot to show and nearly walked away from the tech all together. I cannot stand doing mods. I retired and started listening to smart business people like yourself and I bought into the Prusa ecosystem. I now have 7 Prusa's at my home and 6 MK's & 1 Mini. I am an industrial designer and artist. Prusa's have accelerated my design and product creation. I agree about the MK4 and I would like to get your thoughts and input once Input Shaping improves and your experience with the new extruder and hotend swaps. Great job!!!


Looking at the specs the XL has all the same features of the MK4 such as 32Bit control electronics, auto levelling, new extruder design but additionally has the ability to use multiple extruders. Here in Europe the biggest problem getting products shipped is still component supplies so I can totally understand why some printers are shipping while others are stuck waiting to be shipped. While the print times are reasonably impressive for the MK4, remember as firmware improves the MK4 speed will improve further but 20% for an initial improvement is impressive.


Exchanged my XL pre-order for the MK4 and so far very happy. Don't care so much about speed but all other upgrades from MK3 are totally worth it.


If you use these printers professionally, the XL makes sense. I don't know exactly what the size of that display case is, but I'm pretty sure you can fit more parts on the XL's build plate than the Mk4's. Maybe you can print bigger parts in one go, reducing the total number of prints. Also, the XL will be a bit faster than the Mk4 (I hope so, I also have one on order).
And although the Mk4 is shipped now and you should consider it as a finished product, it's still awaiting a few tweaks in the firmware. Most important the much praised input shaping. That should make a difference. Also, over time the slicer profiles will be tweaked I guess, resulting in (small) gains overall.


I think the XL has a different MO than the MK4. I plan to use both for different things.

For me the increased bed size and multiple extruders is what I look forward to with the XL.

The MK4 will be what I will buy instead of any more MK3S+.


The new design is sleek! I like the look of it. Thanks for the breakdown. I'm looking forward to your breakdown of the XL when they finally ship it lol!


Can you do a follow up with input shaper? I think that is more important for people watching the video now.


It’s a hard sell being a bed slinger though… I ordered a P1P and an X1C on the 4th of January and got the X1C on the 11th and the P1P on the 12th. Kids and I are chuffed. I went to order the MK4 but decided against it and if I want I’ll just upgrade the MK3 we have in storage.


Nice to see the real test ! I am still thinking upgrade or not. The most important question for me is do motors make quality better in horizontal layer, like filling gaps or orverfiling them like in older machines.


The mark four doesn't have the input shaping in place yet. They're still working on that. So without the input shaping I wouldn't expect it to be wildly faster than a well dialed in mark three in spite of the new motors and stuff. The real test will be when input shaping comes out in new firmware in a while.


In my opinion, the main value of the Prusa XL over the Mk4 is the tool changing: there's really nothing else on the market that can print drastically different materials like the XL will be able to with its separate tool heads. If that's not important to you, then I would stick with the Mk4.


I only care about how consistent it can print a flat sidewall. The new extruder design should make this one of the only printers that can produce a wall without layer variation. This video glosses over the print results, showing them too quickly and not with lighting that hides print faults. Using two different filaments made the comparison useless. Too much time showing the printer printing. Who cares? Make a new video where you printed using the same filament and only show the results.


damn i want the mk4 upgrade just for the bed leveling. I hate inductive bed leveling and always wish it had touch based probing


Can you do a Video explaining Dual "Z" Axis off set?


XL probably was overtaken by R&D for the Mk4, so they might hold it back to update components to Mk4 standards?


Great video. I am brand new to the print thing. I need a nice file & do not have time to design it. I need it in 10 days or less. Can you HELP???


Wow, using the limited edition build plate?
