Street Fighter 6 - Before You Buy

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Street Fighter 6 (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S) is the latest from the classic Capcom fighting game franchise. How is it? Let's talk.

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Heads-up for anyone new to this game: World Tour Mode's framerate is locked to 30fps by default, but if you are playing on PS5, XSX or PC, you can change it to 60fps in the game's settings.


"I walked up to a pizza stand, ordered pizza, form my character and then I beat the shit out of the pizza guy" Now that's a true gamer experience.


You guys are selling yourself short! Casual Fighting Game opinions are EXTREMELY valid for this game, especially since that's what Capcom (and the FGC as a whole) is aiming to get more of. More new players = a longer, healthier life for Street Fighter 6 as a whole, so if you guys love it, then it's perfect!


As a FG player it's nice to see perspectives from the more casual audience! The hype for the game is high within the community and unlike the previous game (SFV), I'm glad to see more casual players are able to jump in out of the gate and have fun!


I have played both the demo for this and the open beta, and now this is the first AAA title I've ever pre-ordered. First game I've been excited for in the last 5-10 years. Capcom's RE engine games always seem to be well optimised on older systems and it ran as smooth as the latest resident evil games


Hearing you say you guys are casual fighting game players, and are having fun, helped me feel better about this one. The last Street Fighter game wasn’t that fun to me, but the fact that this is open world and we can fight anyone anywhere is crazy cool. Ima get this at some point. Thanks you guys 🙌🏽


Nothing better than beating the same pizza guy after ordering pizza for him. That's a quality gamer move out there. Seriously though, that open world part of the game looks neat. Imagine all the possibilities for that mode


I’ve never played a Street Fighter game before but something about SF6 and World Tour has me very interested. Plus it’s getting tons of great reviews. Excited to check it out!


I like the gameplay in the video. It shows people who are not EVO material and that helps it appeal more to us casual fighting gamers. Cause sometimes you see a review of someone playing it like a god and just think "well that game is not for me, I'll be the one getting bounced endlessly"


I have always wanted to get into the FGC rather than just enjoying from the sidelines and playing fighting games casually like I have my whole life. I can't stress enough how happy I am to hear this game is landing on its feet and actually makes a genuine effort to welcome new players to the scene.


I can't speak for everybody, but I know we love you guys because you guys are the everyday gamers. You're not the hardcore guys who only play one genre or who are fanboys to only one console. You guys are extremely relatable and we appreciate the hard work you guys put in


Just a heads up, the fights in World Tour can be made 60 FPS instead of 30 by changing it in the options from Resolution to Performance


I got into fighting games 2 years ago and i sure as hell don't regret it. I really hope that this game brings a large amount of casual/new players and make street fighter mainstream again. Fighting games despite being hard to get good at, are so fun and definitly deserve the time investment, believe me!


The thing I really love about this channel is the honesty and integrity, you don't need to be a hardcore sweat to enjoy fighting games, I've been on the fence about this one as I can never get used to 2D mechanics but I might just pick it up and try to learn


I don't know what's going on at Capcom HQ these past few years but DAMN have they been on a roll lately. Between DMC5, all the great Resident Evil games lately (both new, and remakes), Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma 2 coming up, and now SF6? I think there is a strong argument that they are among the ONLY AAA studios doing well these days (aside from From software imo).


Those animations were soooo smooth. Although I'm more of a Tekken guy, I'm actually pretty excited for this game.


Wow!!😳🤯🤯🤯 I’m completely blown away! As someone who grew up playing street fighter in the arcade and on Super Nintendo I’m completely blown away!!! This is amazing to see the growth and progression of a great franchise…Simply marvelous


Im glad you said that thing at the end about this not being intimidating cause that's always what has stopped me from buying SF games. Always felt really difficult for a casual or new player but maybe I'll give this one a go


GameRanx you're one of my favorite video game channels of this type. Not only you very much know what you're talking about but I can also feel your passion about video games. Thank you for all your wonderful content! 😃


Before you buy, but I already BOUGHT IT 🤣
