Jewish Woman Rescued from Demonic New Age by Jesus! 😮 | Kayla's Testimony (must watch)

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Kayla grew up in the USA as a young Jewish girl seeking God, but once she moved to Australia she was quickly caught up in the allure of New Age which led to demonic possession and brokenness. After several encounters with Jesus, she finally began to turn to him and everything began to change..

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Bless you in the Mighty name of Jesus! 🙏

*Shout out to Delafe Testimonies for inspiring our video format - go check them out! 🙏
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We are a full time ministry of Evangelism, Deliverance and Jesus Testimonies. Our biggest costs include: Travel (local, interstate and international), production equipment (lights, cameras, accessories etc), software subscriptions (cloud, editing, captions apps etc) and time (20-30 hours per video). A huge thank you to all of our supporters, Bless you in the mighty name of Jesus


This is an amazing testimony. I was also raised Jewish and now am a born again Christian! I went from Judaism in childhood to New Age in college to Christianity now in my life at 33 years of age. I pray more Jewish men and women wake up to the truth of Jesus as our Messiah and Lord! <3


Beautiful testimony of how our Jesus saves, deliveres and restores! I left for a festival with my tarot cards and saw the truth of how lost we all were there and that the music and psychedelics were demonic. I came home and burned everything New Age, renounced the evil and bought a Bible! God is so so good! He leaves the 99 to come for each one of us in deception 🐑 Praise Jesus! 🙏🏼🕊️🤍🐑🦁


Oh sweet girl 😢My mamma’s heart broke hearing all that you’ve been through. Praise God that the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to look for his lost lambs! Thank you for sharing such a real and raw testimony. Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”
Now you are a precious daughter and warrior in God’s Kingdom! ❤ Bless your studies, your walk with Jesus and the ministry of that beautiful voice!
Hallelujah! God has won!


Epic testimony. It's quit a thing that we have to go through such darkness to finally see the glorious LIGHT of the LORD our GOD. Praise JESUS CHRIST!


Amen, glory to King Jesus.
Romans 10:13 👑
“For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”


Through her complete transparency, may the Lord touch so many lost people.
God bless her❤


no division of Jews and gentiles in the body of Christ, one people, true believers, the Israel of God ( Eph.2; Gal.6:15-16)


So relatable, I also went through the New Age movement, SO many similarities in our experiences. I ended up incredibly sick, anxious, I couldn’t breath properly. What changed my life is reading the Bible from cover to cover (2018), after that I got all the New Age paraphernalia out of my house. Next step was joining a church. Then I got baptized (2019). All the illness and oppression and weird experiences and visions stopped dead in its tracks. So grateful to Jesus for His mercy and grace.


This testimony is so powerful, many lives will be changed. Praying this reaches many people who have been caught up in the new age. So much relatability to people who practice these things. Thank you Jesus


You remind me SO MUCH of my daughter. I hope she shares in similar things of the Lord and finds her way home.


I just watched the whole thing and I’m in tears


What an incredible testimony! So important to share this! ❤


Kayla is absolutely beautiful! I can identify with some parts of her journey. I'm so glad the Lord found her and that she didn't turn Him away! I can tell Kayla would be an absolute joy to be around. I pray for her years to come. That she will be strong in the Lord and be steadfast. She has a healing gift for sure. It's not one that promotes itself, but the real joy like she sang before praying. She's an instrument. That's how it works! The real gift promotes and gives glory to the Son!
I must say I'd sure be glad to know Kayla personally if that were ever possible it would be a great blessing, no doubt!


What a lovely woman, beautiful testimony. God is faithful ❤


So beautiful ❤ so many people should see this ❤


Kayla this is so so beautiful! Us at YWAM were praying for you so much. xx Praise God


Praise the Lord how gracious and loving he is to understand and desires to redeem his lost children. It just makes me love him so much more. What a wonderful Glorious Savior.


Thank you so much for sharing sweetheart. I was assaulted 3 years ago, and basically lost my mind. I had to ask Jesus to rebuild me.
Hearing your speak, makes me feel better too. Hearing your strength is really good for me.
I love you even though I don’t know you 💛


Kayla, I have added you to my perpetual intercessory prayer list & I will pray for you daily till Jesus returns for God’s children.🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
