JEWISH Girl's Sanity was Saved by JESUS | Nikol’s Testimony

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Nikol shares her intimate story of how she was literally losing her mind after doing LSD. Watch how Jesus heals her.

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I thank Yeshua every day for saving me from my sinful life, and for calling me into His redeeming light. Thank you for sharing your testimonies. 🙏


I'm Romanian Italian, moved from Dubai to United Kingdom, and now I'm writing to you from Spain, ..all my life I been hardly confused by all denominations of Christianity with their fake teachings, I have been searched THE TRUTH, practically everywhere and in any kind of religion even Judaism until I converted to Islam for 5 years...
I been empty, tired of contractions, I knew I will find the truth one day, I have missed Him, THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, YESHUA HAMASHIACH, and I have found Him recently 🙌 praised be Adonai


I just watched the clip with her fiancé.. how he's so happy to be in love with her and that they will soon be married. To see 2 broken people find each other with Jesus as the foundation.


I have a very similar testimony. Bad trip, lost my mind, surrendered my life to Christ. I’m now in Peru doing missionary work. Haha
Praise God for His Grace and faithfulness. Rom 5:8!


So wonderful to hear and see these testimonies. God is just amazing in every person's life. He IS truly the Messiah the Annointed One. He said He will build His church. Not a building but in the hearts of people. Keep doing this wonderful work.


Yeshua COMPLETELY transformed my heart and life. I am a 39 year old Israeli Jewish woman who came to faith in our Messiah Yeshua. In 2014. Jesus, Yeshua revealed Himself to me during a dark and oppressive time in my life. I didn’t know much about Him prior to 2014, but through proclaiming His name, the demons that were tormenting me at the time fled. It was a VERY supernatural experience with The Lord. I was baptized and saved in 2016. The Lord put on my heart to repent, read His word (The Bible), be baptized (water immersion) and turn from all my sins. It was a process and He has been SO gentle and loving through it all!! Thank you Abba for your goodness and for sending Your Son Yeshua to save sinners such as myself and to reconcile us back to you, I am ETERNALLY grateful for Your gift of Salvation. I Love Yeshua So Much!! - Shani


Nikol, I have a very similar testimony to you. In high school I started smoking weed to try and get away from pain and going to EDM clubs and festivals and drinking and I just hurt even more. I started getting anxious from smoking weed and I was so scared of death because I knew I would go to hell, I knew I was not right with God. I slowly started to go to YouTube as God was drawing me to videos about being a Christian and getting saved and then He saved me one night and I've never felt the same since, He's filled my heart with such love and peace and I now love Jesus and want to live for Him and not myself. The Lord even brought me back to the church of the high school where I had first heard the gospel presented so clearly and faithfully and I am now a member there and serving there.


God saved me from being addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, I was touched by the power of the Holy Spirit on August 4, 1993 in Kuwait and now I am serving the Lord in Andaman. pray for my ministry.


pray for me for healing from anxiety and fear an trauma/pray for me for a closer relationship with jesus/pray for my wife and our 7 children salvation.


I’ve watched about 20 of your videos today and I got to tell you my faith is encouraged more and more every video I watch.


Hallelujah! What a Saviour/Messiah!🙏👍🙏


So many Jews are finding their Messiah! Amen! Inspiring testimony!


Jesus is our life source we need Him ♥


Praise Father!! That Jesus is moving so pawerful in bringing Jewish To faith in Jesus. I love and get so bless for all the testimony. keep the good work. from Somerset KY USA


every time i see a brother or a sister Jew coming to Know Jesus my heart fills full of Joy, and the Bible says that. Even the angels in heaven rejoice, in Luke 15:10 - verse
In the same way, I tell you, the angels of God rejoice over one sinner who repents. I tell you in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's. God bless all the Jews.


Wow! Absolutely inspired by this ladies testimony. My name is Linda this is my husband's account. I stumbled on this testimony while sitting in my living room at 6:15am crying out to God after recently my mother going to be with Jesus. I thank God I did. God bless you beautiful girl and all us here. Amen. ✝️🙏❤️


It's a such a true joy to see and hear the Jewish people open their hearts to the Truth YESHUA Jesus and receive Salvation in CHRIST.. Glory to the Father..


Hi Nikol I'm from India and very happy to see your testimony. Jeff and Elisha please pray for Eyal Hasid he's a Jew from Tel Aviv. Years back when I was a small kid he came to India and lived for several years with us. I wasn't a Christian then so I didn't ask anything to him. And as I said I was just a little girl then. Later on I met Jesus and Boooom..!!! My life too changed, then I started searching Eyal in facebook, finally I got him. I shared gospel to him but he completely rejected and said he has become a Buddhist now and as other Jewish people he too thinks that Jesus is just a normal person not a God.
I have been praying for him, his daughters are Asia and I forgot other's name, please pray for his salvation.


This is a testimony that underscores how faithful Yeshua is - even when we turn away, he is there waiting for and nudging us to choose the right path. I am a retired substance abuse counselor and I have heard of the reaction to LSD that Nikol described. She is very blessed - some in this situation never come back. :( Shalom, and thank you.


I thank God every day that he saved me out of alcoholism and anger and I thank him for saving this beautiful girl. All glory to God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. Blessed be his Holy name, Yeshua🙏
