How one tiny detail ruins a classic Dalek story

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Planet of the Daleks is a fantastic Dalek story from the Jon Pertwee era, but it is mired by a glaring problem with one of its Dalek props - a problem that a future Special Edition release should really fix.

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Jamie Robertson and Frank Klepacki
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I always assumed it was so angry at the setbacks it's dome lights could not keep up.


To be honest I never even noticed, I just enjoy the story despite the limitations of the props during that time.


A torch for the eyestalk is certainly...a choice!


Something else that should be addressed. I think the torch on the eyestalk was supposed to be encased with a ball to make it less obvious that it was a torch, but wouldn't you know it, the ball was lost with all the parts swapping and theft that whether on behind the scenes.


Honestly i never noticed this till now but now I can’t unnotice it


When I watched this back when I was 8 years old I didn't notice the wobbly head dome and mis-matched lights as much. But once you see it you can't unsee it..


As if dome lights never matching up with the audio isn't a major theme of classic who, hell even in new who it's been known


Well, in the Cushing movies, the Daleks' ears would flash as they moved about. This looks like a relic from it.

Also, the 1st Cushing Dalek movie was my first experience with Daleks. In the summer of 1989, I was about age 10 at this time, my dad recorded the first Cushing Dalek movie on tape, on CBC, a Canadian TV channel which we were able to catch here in the states. Funny thing, I was watching Dr. Who for years, at this time....and PBS here in my neck of the woods starting airing Dr Who on and off in the mid 1980s, BUT did it regularly in September of 1987, first on Sunday nights, but changed to Saturday nights in early summer of 1990. And NEVER did they air a Dalek story till about late 1989 or early 1990. Either they were not able to for some reason, or I just manged to miss them.

But the Cushing Dalek movies are my fav Daleks, the 1960's TV Daleks next. I'd love more stuff on those Daleks.

Also, in my personal head cannon, Cushing's Doctor is the older version of the Tenth Doctor's clone from Stolen Earth, and the Cushing stories taking place in that alternate reality.
I'd love to talk about that with yas, at some point, Mr. Bumps.


I always found the torch-eye distracting. If they'd stuck a gel over it then I think it would have worked better


My understanding is there were multiple issues leading to this situation, one was that the first Dalek borrowed from Terry Nation got stolen meaning another had to be hastily prepped, there were only two experienced Dalek operators available so a new guy was inside it, and the film crew was too pushed for time to do reshoots.


My biggest problem with the Supreme is the too obvious torch for an eye.


I also think that we should have seen more of the dalek since it only appeared in one part we should have known more about the dalek like its history what it’s done and its relationship with the emperor before he was destroyed but apart from the flaws of the supreme dalek planet of the daleks is one of my favourite classic who episodes.


While I also find the out-of-sync lights and light-up eyestalk irritating, the Dome itself was another prop issue that stood out to me. When the Dalek Supreme turns to look the dome seems to wobble and giggle.


I did notice when I watch planet of the Daleks in my Dalek binge that the dome lights and eye piece do not sync with the dialogue. But I didn't take much interest in it.


I've always noticed it, I just thought either the dialog was delayed or just the operator didn't activate the lights on time.


Yeah, first time watching Planet it really was jarring seeing the Supreme's lights not match up at all to the dialogue


I kind of take it as a quirk of the story. I adore Planet of the Daleks, one of my favourites. It acts like a Daleks' Greatest Hits & I think it's a great example of seventies sci-fi


As great as I find this episode, I agree. I love the Supreme and always will but I fully agree. I also thought that the eye stalk was kinda bad too, I like the idea and this could have been executed well but it just looks weird without an actual eye on it.


Kinda similar to how in the Peter Cushing "and the daleks" movie all the daleks dome light looks light alarms going off so it's hard to tell which dalek speaks


Bring back the Supreme Dalek, The same Dalek, as the main villain of a whole season.
