Yes Yes Stay Safe Song - ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

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Baby Taku, along with ChuChu and ChaCha, are learning from their mommy about various ways to stay safe when there are germs around. She encourages them to wear face masks, keep their hands and feet clean, and suggests other important things they can do to stay healthy.
Yes Yes Stay Safe Song Lyrics :
Let’s learn, learn, learn, learn, some smart and safe things to do
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, please tell us what to do
Wear, wear, wear a mask each time you go out
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’ll wear masks when we’re out
Look, look at everything but don’t touch anything
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’ll keep our hands in
Wave, wave but don’t hug, shake hands or high five
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’ll wave hi and bye
Leave, leave your shoes outside when you come home
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’ll leave our shoes at the door
Wash, wash, wash your hands with lots of soap and water
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’re washing with soap and water
Scrub, scrub both your feet and all your toes
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, we’re scrubbing our feet and toes
Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!
Stay, stay, stay at home and have lots of fun
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, home is a lot of fun
All, all, all, these rules will keep you very safe
Yes, yes, yes, Mommy, all these rules are just great
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. Yes Yes Stay Safe Song - ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
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Video: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
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