Yes Yes Back from School Song - ChuChu TV Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

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After Baby Taku returns from school, his mom inspires him to cultivate positive habits, such as cleaning up, engaging in outdoor play, consuming nutritious meals, diligently brushing his teeth every night, changing into fresh night clothes, and retiring to bed early.
Yes Yes Back from School Song Lyrics :
Welcome, welcome, welcome home, baby
Welcome back from school.
Here come brother and sister,
the day’s over so soon.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
change into clean clothes.
No, no, no, mommy,
I’m watching my favourite shows.
Look, look, look at brother,
he’s clean and refreshed.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll wash and get dressed.
Play, play, play, go out,
breathe the fresh cool air.
No, no, no, mommy,
I’m rocking on my chair.
Play, play, play, new games,
friends are lots of fun.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll play with everyone.
Eat, eat, eat, your supper,
eat the vegetables,
No, no, no, mommy,
I want chocolate cake.
Look, look, look at your brother;
he eats healthy food.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
they taste very good!
Change, change, change, your clothes,
time for your pajamas.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s watch the twinkling stars.
Look, look, look at your sister,
She’s wearing her nightclothes.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I will change too.
Brush, brush, brush, your teeth,
make them clean and bright.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s dance in the moonlight.
Brushing, brushing, makes teeth clean;
it keeps the germs away.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll brush twice a day.
Good night, good night, good night, baby
it’s time for bed.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s play with teddy bear.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, my baby,
I’ll sing you lullabies.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll close my little eyes.
Good night, sweet dreams, baby,
dream of lovely things.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll sleep until it’s morning.
La, la, la, lala
Lala, lala, la
Lala, lala, lala, lala
Lala, lala, la
La, lala, lala, la!
La, lala, lala, laaaa!
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View other NEW 3D Animated Nursery Rhymes with Baby Taku from ChuChu TV:
Nursery rhymes in English,Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, canciones en inglés para niños,เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก, Comptines en anglais,Kinderlieder in Englisch, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak,Engelse kinderliedjes, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, barnvisorna på engelska, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese
Video: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
ChuChu TV ®, Cutians ®, all the characters and logos
used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios
#ChuChuTV #NurseryRhymes
Yes Yes Back from School Song Lyrics :
Welcome, welcome, welcome home, baby
Welcome back from school.
Here come brother and sister,
the day’s over so soon.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
change into clean clothes.
No, no, no, mommy,
I’m watching my favourite shows.
Look, look, look at brother,
he’s clean and refreshed.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll wash and get dressed.
Play, play, play, go out,
breathe the fresh cool air.
No, no, no, mommy,
I’m rocking on my chair.
Play, play, play, new games,
friends are lots of fun.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll play with everyone.
Eat, eat, eat, your supper,
eat the vegetables,
No, no, no, mommy,
I want chocolate cake.
Look, look, look at your brother;
he eats healthy food.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
they taste very good!
Change, change, change, your clothes,
time for your pajamas.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s watch the twinkling stars.
Look, look, look at your sister,
She’s wearing her nightclothes.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I will change too.
Brush, brush, brush, your teeth,
make them clean and bright.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s dance in the moonlight.
Brushing, brushing, makes teeth clean;
it keeps the germs away.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll brush twice a day.
Good night, good night, good night, baby
it’s time for bed.
No, no, no, mommy,
let’s play with teddy bear.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, my baby,
I’ll sing you lullabies.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll close my little eyes.
Good night, sweet dreams, baby,
dream of lovely things.
Yes, yes, yes, mommy,
I’ll sleep until it’s morning.
La, la, la, lala
Lala, lala, la
Lala, lala, lala, lala
Lala, lala, la
La, lala, lala, la!
La, lala, lala, laaaa!
To download and watch this video anywhere and at any time, get the ChuChu TV Pro app now by clicking the below link!
View other NEW 3D Animated Nursery Rhymes with Baby Taku from ChuChu TV:
Nursery rhymes in English,Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, canciones en inglés para niños,เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก, Comptines en anglais,Kinderlieder in Englisch, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak,Engelse kinderliedjes, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, barnvisorna på engelska, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese
Video: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
ChuChu TV ®, Cutians ®, all the characters and logos
used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios
#ChuChuTV #NurseryRhymes