how i annotate my books 🖊️ | casual and beginner friendly tips

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There are so many annotating videos on YouTube but I feel like many of them have a super daunting tab system and other complications, so I wanted to create a casual and simple annotating ‘how to.’ Hopefully this inspires you to take the first step on your annotating journey.

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i used to have the same fear. Growing in Hindu culture books are considered Goddess Saraswati and its not good to do "damage" to them. Then i understood if its the way to assimilate the contents thats not real damage. I have writing in ALL my books now


Great video! I have recently started annotating and am always looking for how others annotate. Thanks for the recommendation for tabs and also emphasizing that there are no rules which makes this hobby so personable and flexible!!!


I don't own many books but I tried it out with eraseable highlighters and pens, it made me more comfortable!
Thank you for making this beginner friendly.
also I laughed at the Eragon annotations, it's been so long that I read it so I forgot those things happened


your "what is happening bro" annotation in the fifth season is making me laugh so hard😭


Growing up and going through elementary school, it was kinda pounded into our heads to not write or mark in our textbooks. Me being me, I took that to heart sooo much that -- fast forward to my college years where I was buying used textbooks -- I saw all the previous notes and highlights that other students had made, and felt my gut drop to the floor. It was a mix of shock and relief.

It was a shock because both my parents were college-educated, but never really marked in their books, either, even though they purchased them. But it was a relief at the same time, because these were never owned by the school (like they were in elementary), but by the students, and someone had told me that it was expected to do self-annotations in college texts.

So once I got used to the idea, and actually embraced annotations, let's just say I felt a "chain" in my brain be cut. It's the best way I can explain my feelings at the time. 😅

Now I'm seeing this annotation trend with fiction books, which feels like another form of journaling. And I'm thinking...okaaayyy...this is interesting indeed. So I may give this a go. 😅


I usually read books online so I can’t really annotate them but I would love to. When I get my own place I will 100% start buying used copies to annotate bc it looks so fun to do !


This is for sure helpful for someone like myself! When people mention needing a lot of the supplies, I become overwhelmed. So, thank you for uploading this!💕


I was always so scared so if there was a book I wanted to annotate I would just read the book on the kindle! Now I am excited to annotate some books!


This was extremely helpful. Thank you for your organic approach. This is all new to me, so I enjoyed it very much. You have a sweet personality and you are very cute. I am homeschooling my 15 year old granddaughter and I think she will relate to you very well. She will love your braids and outfit. I love how you presented. You kept my attention as a grandmother, so I am sure she will enjoy you as well.


Couldn't stop looking at your hair. It looks gorgeous 😍


Good explanation, thanks. I have never annotated a book before but might consider it in the future


I really enjoyed watching the way you annotate, you explained everything really well. I use a bookmark that is laminated whenever I read and use that to underline. That way it's straight as I want without taking me away from the book for a ruler. Thought maybe that's something you would want to try.


I literally just bought some annotating supplies! This video came at the perfect time <3


I was in a reading slump and recently, I'm having an interest in reading again. I've never annotated my books and was about to buy supplies but stopped because I don't know how to start and if I'm comfy with it. This is very helpful. Thanks! ♡♡♡


I love the idea of having a second copy for annotating. I want to annotate The clan of the cave bear SO bad, but I don't want to do it to my hardbacks. So I am gonna keep my eye out for (hopefully) cheaper paperbacks and annotate those. I might end up with one whole bookshelf of extra copies of my favourite books. 😂
When I annotate library books (I read a lot of those) I use post its. If I end up annotating too much I write the page numbers on the notes before I return the book and keep the postits in a notebook until I can buy a copy - if I annotate a lot in a library book it usually means it invokes enough emotion in me that I am gonna need one and probably reread at some point.
I mostly annotate quotes and funny lines/humour. And I also have a post it stuck on the last page where I put all the names, some books have sooo many characters I get lost if I don't write them down. 🖋


Hey-hey! It's so funny to watch this video now 😄I've just left a few notes in a book I'm reading for a friend of mine. And she's reading and annotating one for me✏️✨️


I've been wondering what you annotate in your books so this video was perfect! I definitely have the "don't write in books" mindset that I'm kind of wanting to change. Who knows if it will change though lol


Thanks for the video! I have some new ideas for my annotating.


I haven't been around for a while, but I remember talking to you about our mutual love of Kpop... so I got SO EXCITED when I spotted that MANIAC necklace, because it reminded me that you actually had amazing seats for the tour!! I hope you had a good time.


2:57 ..your dice read 1, 2, 3 and 4. I liked that.
