Rachel Zeglers Spellbound HATES Families

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Rachel Zegler is in a new Netflix animation called Spellbound about a family going through divorce. While Rachel Zegler has caused previous scandal around West Side Story and Snow White, Spellbound is causing controversy on it's own. Is this just a case of bad decisions, or an alignment of moral values that the audience doesn't like? Is Spellbound worth watching?

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Rachel Zegler has been followed by scandal and controversy across her career, but for once this isn't her fault. Spellbound itself is the one causing the problem here due to it's messaging that it decides to inflict on parents. What's worse is the story uses this theme as a "twist" so that it's too late for parents to realise what it's about until they've already watched most of it and the kids have found out too. But it's not just that they're teaching children that divorce is actually good and beneficial, but that they think it's a beautiful story that everyone should learn about as children. Rather than trying to discourage this, they're encouraging it. This is not the point of fairy tales, and it's wrong to try and subvert them in this way. But what did you think of what you saw? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)


If it’s any consolation, families probably hate Rachel Zegler as well


As a polish woman, I'm so happy Rachel Zegler forgot about the other half of her heritage. We don't claim her, California can have her.


Spellbound? I have not heard a single peep aboit it until now... I WONDER WHY


UP. That's a Disney/Pixar movie that handled adult themes very well. But they didn’t celebrate them. They viewed them as the losses they were. A couple who had to come to terms with not having children. A man who had to mourn the only family he had. A boy grieving the loss of his absentee father (Russell's dad had a girlfriend and didn’t have time for him.) But the movie didn’t bash you over the head with it and push the idea a "child free" life is a blessing or Russell doesn't need a father in his life. These two characters missing the bits in their life reflected in each other made do and filled those holes as best they could.

Movies geared towards children that handle harsh realities exist. It's just that when adults make them, they don't delude the child or themselves that brokenness is a good thing.


The film had already lost me at "Rachel Zegler".


Rachel's achievements
1. Failure
2. After Failure
3. After Failure
4. After Failure
5. After weird, weird FAILURE


Divorces rarely go this way and it is hard for this kids… Man I hate Hollywood…


Who is Zegler doing 'favours' for?
Failure after failure, flop after flop, yet she keeps getting work.


Watching my parents go through divorce and separation made me understand how ugly it is and the psychological effects it can have on the children that are involved if so. My wife also comes from split parents, so we both have negative feelings about divorce. Luckily we both feel like we met our match and have no desire to separate 15 years later with 2 children. We hope our example of a good marriage will encourage them to seek a lifelong relationship and marriage as well.

I don't believe encouraging happiness through divorce as the way to go, as far as messaging to kids in movies.


How on Earth has a 'Pro-divorce' concept passed the stage of "get the hell out of my office"!?


Thirty-one years ago, the movie "Ms. Doubtfire" dealt with the same questions and didn't need to normalize divorce to do it. It's the diference between tell a story and preach a message.


My 6 year old and I watched this. When I finally realised it was about divorce I was very pissed off. Thank goodness she is quite young, was bored by the end and "the message" went over her head. Don't let your kids watch this.


Well, as per usual, Tolkien tackled this subject much better. In Unfinished Tales, the story of Aldarion and Erendis portrays a separation that is anything but celebrated. Their marriage falls apart due to Aldarion's broken promises and his prolonged seafaring absence, which led Erendis to lose faith and move to a new home surrounded by bitter women and their daughter. When Aldarion finally returns, he is heartbroken to find the family shattered. Inspired by his daughter's spirit, he names her the next ruler of Númenor, but his relationship with Erendis remains unresolved.

What makes this story so powerful is its nuance. Aldarion's absences weren’t frivolous; he was working with the Elves to prepare against Sauron. However, he never confided in Erendis, and their inability to communicate led to a tragic outcome. Tolkien doesn’t shy away from showing the heartbreak of their separation—Aldarion lamenting that he wished Erendis had come back ‘in a huff’ rather than refuse to set aside her pride is devastating. The tragedy lies in how much they loved each other but were too proud to have an honest conversation.

As someone who has volunteered at women’s abuse centers and witnessed real, concrete reasons for divorce, this framing in Spellbound is an affront. Divorce is sometimes a necessary and painful escape, but to present it as a celebratory outcome strips away the gravity of such situations. This approach diminishes the struggle and emotional toll that real-life separations entail.

I grew up loving films like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which showed that animated films can handle complex, even morally ambiguous themes. However, those themes were clear from the outset, allowing parents to decide if the content was appropriate for their children. With Spellbound, the final act surprise of glorifying divorce as a happy ending robs parents of that choice and risks normalizing something that should be approached with care, empathy, and understanding.

Tolkien’s story shows us that separations, especially those driven by miscommunication, are not triumphs—they are tragedies. And that’s the lens through which such themes should be viewed, not as the magnum opus Spellbound seems to believe.


Divorce should never be seen as a happy occasion. It's a tragedy, it's failure.
The issue has been dealt with in films like Kramer vs Kramer. Don't remember that film being labeled "joyous".


The title of the movie was originally ‘What can be unburdened by what has been’.


Divorces are terrible experiences for the kids. So this is showing how selfish the people involved in this are. Although I wouldn't be surprised if not a single one involved has even had kids, let alone been married.


Remember single divorced women trying to make married women to get divorced because misery loves company? This is just like that but on global scale.


Mrs. Doubtfire probably still has the best representation of divorce. It acknowledges the downsides of it, but also the reasons why people feel they need to do it and showing that it doesn’t mean the parents blame the child in any way.


"Yessss, the world NEEDs divorce,

Palpatine: *visible concern*
