Psychology of Survivorship: How to be Resilient and Practice Hope with Dr. Guy Maytal
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Dr. Maytal was the featured speaker for the Northern Colorado Head And Neck Cancer Support Group on January 9th, 2025. I got so many gems of wisdom, I had to share! Thank you Dr. Maytal!
Learn about the difference between stress and distress; how to decrease stress and enhance resilience. He talks about developing resilience skills by connecting with people, setting boundaries, communicating with the medical team, practicing hope, and my favorite, telling your story to give your life meaning.
He asks a thought provoking question: Are you a cancer survivor everywhere in your life, or is it a part of your life and doesn’t define your existence? Is cancer something that happened to me, or is it something I am? The answer can lead to different actions and help to build resilience.
Start today by exploring the parts of yourself you like as you journey through surviving cancer.