My 50 Favourite Films

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Music Used:
Habanera – Georges Bizet
The Thief – Howard Shore [Hugo]
Beethoven’s 7th Symphony 2nd Movement (Allegretto)
Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven

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I think a lot of people are skipping the first 35 seconds of the video! Here's a part of the transcript from it...

*"Let me clear one thing, this is not the list of what I consider to be 50 greatest films of all time. There are many films here that nobody would count among the greatest films ever. However, those films are personally important to me. They have inspired me to pursue filmmaking. And they keep me going every time I think about quitting."*


Yes Yes we know you love Martin Scorsese ;)


Dude, it's just 50k not because you are bad, it's because people are unable to understand your work. I believe you have a great future ahead.


*Thank you everyone for your support so far. And for those who are here for the first time, welcome!*


3 movies by Charlie Kaufman
3 movies by Andrei Tarkovsky
3 movies by Ingmar Bergman
So many by Martin Scorsese.
You, sir, have a good taste.


Brought a smile on my face when the list ended with THE GODFATHER. 😊


Funny how I have seen countless, countless movies in my life but I haven't seen more than 10 of these :P


3:48 that cut from the Aviator to 2001 was pretty sick ;)


Shawshank redemption, Inception, Interstellar, Memento, Prestige, The Dark Knight, Fight Club, Seven, The Green Mile, The Good Bad and Ugly, Titanic, Silence of the Lamb, Machinist, Shutter Island, Schindler's list, Forest gump, Rear Window, Gladiator, Oldboy, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, Requiem for a dream, Clockwork Orange, Full metal jacket, Bicycle thieves, A Beautiful mind, Wolf of wall street, Django unchained, Cinderella man, Gone with the wind, One flew over the cuckoos nest, Platoon, Hurt Locker are also pretty good movies including your list


Congratulations on 50K subscribers. You have been my inspiration to watch better movies. Keep going strong :)


Prisoner of azkaban is the best Harry potter film ever


Yeah you might be having less subscribers but most certainly your subscribers are amongst the happiest within the community.
Myself included! You're channel is the only one for which I have turned on notifications, and I do not regret one bit!


Here's the quick view!!

son of saul (50)
metal: headbangers journey (49)
apocalypse now (48)
amelie (47)
the departed (46)
HP and prisoner of azkaben (45)
shame (44)
JFK (43)
school of rock (42)
the seventh seal (41)
the end of the tour (40)
before sunrise (39)
waltz with bashir (38)
the damned united (37)
perfect blue (36)
saving private ryan (35)
dogtooth (34)
the matrix (33)
hugo (32)
monty python & the holy grail (31)
12 angry men (30)
little miss sunshine (29)
rango (28)
adaptation (27)
the 400 blows (26)
three colours:blue (25)
stalker (24)
wild strawberries (23)
pulp fiction (22)
rashomon (21)
before sunset (20)
in the mood for love (19)
the master (18)
psycho (17)
the shining (16)
the godfather 2 (15)
annie hall (14)
the mirror (13)
goodfellas (12)
the lives of others (11)
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (10)
vertigo (9)
the aviator (8)
2001: space odyssey (7)
synecdoche, new york (6)
there will be blood (5)
taxi driver (4)
persona (3)
raging bull (2)
the godfather (1)

Hey Cinema Beyond Entertainment, Im one of those peeps who is obsessed with movies, I also have my own top 50 fvrt list. My all time fvrt is The Social Network. I always look for good movie suggestions

PS: I loved that you mentioned Before Sunrise series, the most underrated franchise!


some great artists only achieve fame and recognition posthumously(edgar alan poe, HP Lovecraft, Bach, kafka, van Gogh etc.) so just create content and leave a legacy behind.


This is a great list, a lot of mutual favorites between us!

1. Punch-Drunk Love [Paul Thomas Anderson, 2002]
2. Blade Runner [Ridley Scott, 1982]
3. The New World [Terrence Malick, 2005]
4. Fantasia [1940]
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey [Stanley Kubrick, 1968]
6. West Side Story [Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise, 1961]
7. Apocalypse Now [Francis Ford Coppola, 1979]
8. Children of Men [Alfonso Curran, 2006]
9. Badlands [Terrence Malick, 1973]
10. There Will Be Blood [Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007]
11. American Psycho [Mary Harron, 2000]
12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Michael Gondry, 2006]
13. The Seventh Seal [Ingmar Bergman, 1957]
14. Its a Wonderful Life [Frank Kapra, 1946]
15. Taxi Driver [Martin Scorsese, 1976]
16. Dr. Strangelove [Stanley Kubrick, 1964]
17. Inside Llewyn Davis [Joel & Ethan Cohen, 2013]
18. Beauty & the Beast [Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise, 1991]
19. Jurassic Park [Steven Spielberg, 1993]
20. My Fair Lady [George Cuckor, 1964]
21. The Empire Strikes Back [Irvin Kirshner, 1980]
22. The Godfather [Francis Ford Coppola, 1972]
23. It’s Such a Beautiful Day [Don Hertzfeldt, 2012]
24. The Lion King [Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff, 1994]
25. The Big Lebowski [Joel & Ethan Cohen, 1998]
26. Scott Pilgrim vs the World [Edgar Wright, 2010]
27. Brazil [Terry Gilliam, 1985]
28. A Ghost Story [David Lowery, 2017]
29. To Kill a Mockingbird [Robert Mulligan, 1962]
30. The Princess Bride [Rob Reiner, 1987]
31. The Thing [John Carpenter, 1982]
32. Inglorious Basterds [Quentin Tarantino, 2009]
33. The Prestige [Christopher Nolan, 2006]
34. No Country for Old Men [Joel & Ethan Cohen, 2007]
35. Amadeus [Milos Forman, 1984]
36. The Village [M. Night Shyamalan, 2004]
37. O Brother, Where Art Thou [Joel & Ethan Cohen, 2000]
38. Pulp Fiction [Quentin Tarantino, 1994]
39. The Thin Red Line [Terrence Malick, 1998]
40. The Wizard of Oz [Victor Fleming, 1939]
41. Raging Bull [Martin Scorsese, 1980]
42. Memento [Christopher Nolan, 2000]
43. In Bruges [Martin McDonagh, 2008]
44. A Clockwork Orange [Stanley Kubrick, 1971]
45. Young Frankenstein [Mel Brooks, 1974]
46. The Sound of Music [Robert Wise, 1965]
47. Arrival [Denis Villeneuve, 2016]
48. Superbad [Greg Mottola, 2007]
49. Reservoir Dogs [Quentin Tarantino, 1992]
50. Stalker [Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979]


I have never commented on any YouTube video ever but as I have came to know that Vinit is no longer with us I can't describe the depth of my pain and how much he changed my life I just hope ughhh I'm gonna miss you terribly and in a most human way bless you I hope you are in good place I really do hope by God.


I loved this. The way each scene from a film in the list complemented the next scene from another film. Each pan of the camera, and each tilt of an artist's head is accounted for and matched perfectly.


I was smiling when the last 5 were mentioned and when it flashed "Godfather" in the end, my teeth were poured out of joy.


I cried from within when A Headbanger's Journey came on the screen. Hello, brother. Great list, btw :)


Never realised you were a metalhead! Congrats on 50k! Rock on 🤘🤘
