Auto Remove Silence from Multiple Files | NO PLUGINS | Adobe Premiere Pro

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Automatically remove silent pauses from separate video & audio files in Premiere Pro - no plugins required!

This technique is especially useful if you do any kind of audio editing like podcasts, but also a quick way to jump cut through dead air for vlogs.

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:43 Export your timeline audio
00:00:55 Open in Adobe Audition
00:01:08 Scan for silence
00:02:14 Create subclip markers
00:02:53 Add an empty video track
00:03:29 Import into Premiere Pro
00:03:53 Sync the subclips
00:05:10 Delete the silence

View the video I use as a sample here (from Atomic Abe, these guys are hilarious):

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#ThePremierePro #AutoDeleteSilence

Paul Murphy (The Premiere Pro)
Editor & Post Production Consultant
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Wrote down the steps for myself, so just sharing in case someone needs a little help:
Adobe Premiere
1. Insert video clip into timeline
2. Insert and sync secondary audio source with original video clip
3. Mute video audio track
4. Export media as WAV

1. Open exported WAV
2. Open Diagnostics panel (Window > Diagnostics)
3. On the Effect Drop Down, select Delete Silence
4. Click on find levels (fine tune if necessary)
5. Click Scan
6. Check to see if clips are actually silent parts of audio
7. Select all clips (Ctrl/Cmd A)
8. Right click and choose Create Markers
9. Open Markers window and make sure first marker is set to 0:00:00
10. Select all markers, right click > Change Marker Types > Subclip
11. Save

Media Encoder
1. Open saved WAV
2. Set export type to Quicktime > Apple ProRes 422 Proxy (fast render)
3. Make sure frame rate matches original video
4. Export

Adobe Premiere
1. Import new video clip
2. Delete video and leave only clips (will be first one on the list of the imported clips)
3. Select all clips
4. Menu > Clip > Create Multi-Camera Source Sequence
5. Select Timecode on Synchronize Point
6. Check Create single multicam source sequence
7. On Track Assignments select Camera Label or Camera Angle
8. Hit OK
9. Open generated clip by holding Ctrl/Cmd double clicking.
10. Lock video track and duplicate audio track (Alt+Shift drag down) to match the amount of tracks on original sequence (3)
11. Unlock video track
12. Select all (Ctrl/Cmd A)
13. Paste into original timeline at 0:00:00
14. Delete clips folder and generated clip
15. Select all clips on timeline
16. Menu > Sequence > Close Gap
17. Voila!


I just can't believe that both this video and this channel are not so popular yet!
So underrated!
I saved me hours of cutting clips. Thank you!!



This is going to save an absolutely just ungodly amount of time while editing gaming footage. Thank you so much.


Note: On PC, the Apple render to the .mov does not work with all the subclips. I had to render in AME as a MPEG4 file, making sure my framerates matched. Hope this helps PC users


Man if I knew this trick 4-5 years back, I would have saved almost a year of editing work. Thanks a lot


i have been tryna figure out how to do this right since this morning and finally got it you are the best


omg! Thanks a lot. Man you are the winner! Keep it going! Thank you so much. So much time will be saved now.


Thank you so much, Paul! Cut my workflow down from 6hrs to 2hrs. Thanks!


This video is gold. It can save many people a lot of money these days and can bring down many startups in 2024


Had to fiddle with each step a few times but ultimately I got this to work, saved me probably 20 hours. TYSM!


Thank you very much, Ive searched for exactly THIS!

All the other videos of other youtubers dont explain this. Its a complex problem, so thank you very much for solving it and showing us the solution here!


This is great! Unfortunately, Audition cannot handle videos longer than about 30 minutes in my experience. I've found anecdotes elsewhere online that suggest the same. Seems like a very basic inconvenience Adobe would have fixed by now.


After removing the silence is there a way to also create a milti - cam editing sequence to swap between cameras?


man you just saved me days, thank you so much for the tutorial and for still answering comments to this day


This may be the only video on youtube with zero down votes, that says something. Thank you!


This video deserves a million likes! I can't thank you enough, now there is time left to live! 😂😂😂 Thank you! Thank you so much!


I dont need this algorithm for multiple video files below each other, I need it for multiple video files BEHIND each other, so I can skip the part 4:40-5:10.

4:32 Everything till there has worked, but here I didnt get seperated video clips, instead I got already a mix of the non silent parts in blue and the silent parts marked in green.

5:23 The pasting doesnt work, if I press controll and v there, premiere does nothing.

Also, if I try to delete only the silent parts at 5:36, which are marked in blue in my timeline, while the not silent parts are marked in green, it deletes all and it doesnt matter, which one of that two in the project window I delete, it always delets my hole timeline then.

How can this be fixed?


you are a champion, i have been manually deleting silences on my 30+ minute clips for months now


Didn't know i needed adobe audition untill now! 👀


the most important part: 02:30
thank you!
