Two Sample t-Test:Equal vs Unequal Variance Assumption| Statistics Tutorial #24| MarinStatsLectures

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In this statistics tutorial, we learn about the assumption of equal variance (or standard deviation) vs non-equal variance (or standard deviation). When working with the 2 sample t-test, we must make one of those two assumptions. We also learn how to decide if we can assume equal variance or if we should assume unequal variance. We cover making this decision both in a subjective way, as well as describing more formal tests that can be used. Assuming equal variance is also referred to as 'pooling', or a 'pooled estimate' of the variance. This video also shows how to calculate the standard error for the difference in means under each of the assumptions, although the focus is on what each assumption means, in concept, and not on the calculations.
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Content Creator: Mike Marin (B.Sc., MSc.) Senior Instructor at UBC.
Producer and Creative Manager: Ladan Hamadani (B.Sc., BA., MPH)
These videos are created by #marinstatslectures to support some statistics courses at the University of British Columbia (UBC) (#IntroductoryStatistics and #RVideoTutorials ), although we make all videos available to the everyone everywhere for free.
Thanks for watching! Have fun and remember that statistics is almost as beautiful as a unicorn!
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