Why Millennials Are Quitting Their Jobs | Great Resignation + r/antiwork

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▼ Timestamps ▼
0:00 - Why are so many Americans quitting their jobs?
2:04 - The Internet is the great equalizer
4:28 - People are realizing there are better options
7:16 - How COVID has contributed?
10:25 - People are realizing what they NEED to survive
15:21 - This is happening on every rung of the corporate ladder
17:44 - Some employers recognize what employees want
19:36 - Invalidating working experience
23:12 - Only addressing the perception of the problem
24:56 - Corporations being held accountable
26:34 - Selection Pressure
29:24 - "They haven't earned it"
32:31 - Evolutionary systems
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“Work hard so your best and you’ll get the house, the car, the income for children” doesn’t exist anymore. People are grinding just to hold their heads above water


2006: "Go to college or you'll end up flipping burgers."
2010: "What do you mean there are no jobs? You're too good to flip burgers?"
2014: "What do you mean 'a living wage' to flip burgers?"
2020: "Why is no one flipping burgers!?"


I'm not against doing labor, I'm against my time and labor being exploited and undervalued


You did exactly what I did. I quit my office job and became a Minimalist in 2020 and worked part-time as a tour guide. My pay was cut in half but I became extremely happier!
I lost 55 pounds, became more healthier, made more friends, spent more time with family, and went outside more. I had no idea how poisonous office environments were. NEVER AGAIN!

Plus, I'm proud of all of you for quietquitting.


I lost respect to my previous boss after she asked me to come back to office ASAP when I'm at my hometown to be with my late father who was in coma. I went back to the office willingly and my father passed away the next day while she complained that everyone did all my work while I was away. I have realization that this kind of company won't care if we we're dying inside. All they care is the company profit. I hope everyone who is struggling will find the courage to remove themselves in this situation and have some compassion towards one another.


It's so goddamn satisfying to see abusive companies finally getting the shit they deserve for their actions.


I have been a manager for 15 years, one realization I had regarding employees is that you have to take the position that no matter what is going on life happens. If someone needs to take their kid to the doctor, instead of throwing road blocks in front of them help expedite them to get their child taken care of. In the long run the 4 hours you give that employees makes them realize you actually are in on this as a team the company and employee. 4 hours isnt going to kill a company, losing an employee over something simple does.


Everyone else in life: "The company doesnt need you, you need the company"

millennials: *BLUFF CALLED*


This generation has watched their parents work their asses off only to still be miserable and live a passive ass life.
No wonder nobody wants to do it if thats the way the abyss stares back at us


All the jobs I’ve had I did it just for the money. Mindless work, the only challenge was grinding. Not actual achievement. Same with school. Falling in line with academia just because it’s what my family wanted. Pretending to enjoy computer science. That never panned out and I started working at a factory. I climbed fast and saw there was no future. I quit my job and became a plumbing apprentice. Everyday I learn something. I learn a SKILL that I can take with my anywhere. Not something that gets lost at a singular job. What I’m doing now applies to life not just money. I feel accomplished, I feel challenged, I feel like a human being and a man.


This problem can be summed up by something I heard once “People quit terrible Bosses, not the jobs.” I have found it to be true in many cases.


Jobs don't pay enough to live, unless you live in a car. That's the whole problem in a nutshell.


Businesses: "Go get better jobs if you want higher pay"
*Workers leave underpaying jobs*
Businesses: "No, not like that"


(old millennial here) Our children are seeing this lifestyle of work, work, work for little, hearing us complain, and not wanting to be a part of it. Spending years of their life in the school system and then feeling lost when they're done.


Green Day lyrics “My Mom says to get a job. But she don’t like the ones she’s got.”

This explains in a nutshell why kids don’t want to work. They watched their parents come home mad and even crying and constantly stressed out and on top of that are still struggling to make ends meet. And it deprived those kids of a healthy, happy parent when they were home. Little energy to play and often emotionally drained. Why would they look forward to that?

Adulting to them equals misery, being disrespected, not valued, not having a life, being exhausted all the time, and being unhappy for very little benefit. The lower the income bracket the more truth to this. This is what they grew up witnessing.

This had a huge effect of both of my now mid 20 year old kids. They have told me what it was like for them. They are not lazy, they are smart. One has only had a few short term jobs and still lives with me and the other has high blood pressure and is a stressed out workaholic but owns a house at 25. He is already beginning to burnout and is looking for alternatives to working a job.


People are tired of dealing with bosses who are mentally, emotionally and verbally abusive for pay that is nowhere near worth the work they have to do without even considering the BS they have to deal with on the side. Not exactly rocket science. Pay should start at $20/hr and scale based on how toxic your boss is, that's the only way to get companies to stop hiring them in the first place.


“[Using PR, companies] are not actually fixing the problem, they’re just fixing the perception of the problem.” YES. Absolutely.


I'm 66-years-old and although now retired I absolutely love how COVID and the internet have finally leveled the playing field between employers and employees. I worked for a large corporation that was truly a "churn and burn" environment and I hung in there for five years because I was making a very good wage, but they treated everyone like crap. It would've been nice to have had other options so I wasn't crying in my car every day after leaving work. Great presentation. I even learned an abbreviation I didn't know (GTFO). Thank you!


Society to millenial kids: Get a good education, follow the rules, work hard, save your money and one day you can have a home and family and be happy.
Society to millenial adults: Yeah, we lied. Houses are now x your salary and the dating market is screwed so even if you could afford kids you'll likely be alone forever. But we still want you to work your ass off 24/7 because those of us who already bought homes need you to pay our pensions. Oh yeah, and there likely won't be any pension for you when you're older. But keep working your soul destroying job with the 3 hour commute for reasons.


I quit a shitty job during the pandemic and it was honestly one of the best decisions I've made.
