Browder: Putin used oligarchs to get rich

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Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, financial manager Bill Browder explains how he believes Vladimir Putin uses corruption to enrich himself.
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trump used the MOB and Russian Oligarchs too so I guess trump and Putin have much more in common than we thought.


Troll befriends Scammer. Gets him to LA for an interview. Scammer arrives in LA. Interview goes very well. Scammer turns out to be a super nice guy. Troll and Scammer become best friends. Scammer moves in with Troll and Troll's GF. Scammer gets a solid 9-5 job. Troll and Scammer start non-profit for helping scammers give up their lives of crime. Their organization raises millions for the cause. Troll and Scammer travel to India to raise awareness. One night, while celebrating their unprecedented success, Troll and Scammer go to Scammer's old neighborhood. Scammer shows Troll his old run-down apartment and the decrepit scam call warehouse down the street. Troll wants to see inside the warehouse. Both of them climb a ladder onto the warehouse roof and sneak in. Due to the decline of phone scammers, the crime bosses have turned to heroin processing. Troll and Scammer unwittingly stumble in on a huge heroin deal right as the Narcotics Control Bureau is performing a raid. Troll and Scammer get separated in the chaos. Scammer gets away. Troll is one of the few arrested by NCB. Troll is accused of being part of heroin operation, found guilty, and sentenced to 15 years in Indian prison. Scammer travels back to US. Scammer consoles Troll's GF. Troll's GF falls in love with Scammer. They move on with their lives. Troll does what he has to do to survive prison. He helps smuggle drugs in exchange for protection. He beats a man to within inches of death. He becomes part of the very gang responsible for his incarceration. After eight years in prison, Troll is planning a daring escape with some of the inmates. Troll escapes but has no passport and no money, so he has to turn to the black market for work. Troll refuses to sell drugs. Troll gets offered an easy job. Making phone calls at one of the last operating scam call centers. One day troll makes a scam phone call. A child answers and gives the phone to her father. It's Scammer...



Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism, controlling all industry and commerce, and promoting nationalism and often racism. A fascist government often involves the use of violence and the military against its citizens.

Technically, the means of production in Russia can be privately owned, which is a distinction of capitalism. However the private businesses in Russia, especially the major ones, are not free to act as they see fit, so Russia is not capitalist.
The disregard of basic rights, such as the right to private property and the right to a fair trial, renders Russian business owners, as well as ordinary Russians, helpless against the coercive and extortive power of the state. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Pavel Durov, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Ziyavudin Magomedov, Yevgeny Chichvarkin, Mikhail Kokorich, Michael Calvey are the examples of the major business owners who were stripped of their businesses by the Russian government and its affiliated structures. Smaller businesses run the same kind of danger.
Such a way of handling the economy when the private ownership of the means of production is technically in place but the economic agents are controlled by the government is original to fascism (which is a species of socialism). Hence economically Russia is fascist. - Juri Kissa


Hitler did the same in WW2. Other nations didn't help the first 2 lands Hitler conquered. Many people died.

He had “Nazi” newspapers portraying Germans as innocent victims of global evil. The German press alleged Czechoslovak atrocities against Sudeten Germans.. Hitler denounced Czechoslovakia as being a fraudulent state in violation of self-determination..

In 1938, Chamberlain, Britain’s Prime Minister, signed a Peace Treaty with Hitler that Germany could invade Sudetenland, but no more. Czechoslovakia lost 70 per cent of its iron/steel industry, .. Chamberlain thought he had created “peace in our times, ” but he was wrong. The very next year, Germany invaded Poland, and World War II broke out.

Characteristics of Hitler: Authoritarian. Does crackdowns on dissidents and/or free press. Promotes fake news. Expansionist.


ooooh. the Putin/Trump trolls are going to hate this.


I think some Yelstin-era oligarchs still are in the game who just compromised with the new tide some are Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail friedman, Petr Aven etc also some oligarchs also cam from different feat of power such as Alisher Usmanov and Vagit Alekperov these two were powerful in politics one in Uzbekistan (at that time part of Soviet Union) another one from (Azerbaijan part of Soviet) Oil Minister from Yeltsin govt. Also another type of one who cannot be called an Oligarch because he doesn’t operate from Russia or neither citizen but still act and does business as oligarch who is Len Blavatnik.


This guy needs to work in Hollywood and write fantasy. What a complete loon.


Just like " Clinton foundation " 😂 😂😂😂
