A (very) brief guide to the political parties of Germany

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It's election year in Germany, and this time I actually get to vote! So let's have a very quick run-down of the most important political parties in Germany and what they stand for.

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He made all of them seem more reasonable/consistent than I think they are.


"Die PARTEI" is indeed satire, but excels at one task: opposition work.

The moment they speak up, you just know another party has messed up.

Name of the one and only PARTEI edited (i messed up before).


Missed opportunity to mention the Wahl-o-mat


I don't remember who said this but here it goes:

If you are in a democracy you can ask for a fascist regime to be placed in. if you are in a fascist regime you can't ask for democracy to replace it.


I would like to point out that the PDS was the successor of the SED (even being named SED-PDS at some time). The "Die Linke" was formed by the fusion of the PDS with the WASG (which was essentially the left wing of the SPD).

So, basicly, the "Die Linke", although legally still the successor of the SED, is a bit more than just the sad remnants of the former governing party of the GDR.


"I'd never vote for a party that would have me as a member"

Honestly, Same... maybe?


I think many people who vote for Die PARTEI do not only do so because of the satire but also because of their transparency. They are often one of the first parties that publically summarize what happens in the Bundestag and in the EU, and their satire helps making these topics go "viral", thus spreading information to people who usually don't care about politics at all. You're right in saying that they are more left-leaning.


I think for "Die Partei", the idea that Martin Sonneborn originally had was rather independent of political directions. However, the party moved more and more towards the left.


This was excellent. I was always weirded out by Partei and was wondering if there's something wrong with me that I dont understand where they stand. Thanks for clarifying with the statement "I'd never vote for a party that would have me as a member". I really laughed out loud


It'll be my first one too! I'll probably do the wahl-o-mat and then decide.


Well, with that mindset you seem to be a good fit for Die Partei.
Jokes aside, I love how Die Partei is a satire party through and through. But elected members quite often do real politics, supporting and sometimes even introducing sensible reforms, along with their shenanigans (which tend to be most often against the right spectrum).
As for Green Party and SPD... It will be a long time until I'll forgive the Schröder era. Not that either party really seems to be making an effort to move back to the left.


In 2 years, Poland will have their own elections (assuming the current government's recent split doesn't force PiS to make snap elections).
It'll be a toss-up between the pro-EU parties (PL2050, KO/PO, Lewica) and the heavy right-wing (ZP/PiS, Konfederacja


Well, with that parting joke, you might want to start the Groucho Marxist Party


I think your placement of Die PARTEI is quite spot on. At least, as far as we can tell from Wahl-O-Mat question (I run the parties' answers against each other looking for most similar parties and it always clusters them with Left and Green (and some smaller parties))


I just watched this again, and I found it quite a good summary of the German parties! Thanks for the video!


I do believe the PARTEI is about as left as the Green Party (rather further, actually, but the Greens seem quite inconsistent when you compare local work to what they do on the federal level).


Do you already know which party will you vote? I'm not asking you to actually say it as I understand it's personal and it may bring some unnecessary comments from people thinking different, just to know if so many years in Germany helped you to identify with a party or not.


We from Die Partei ask EVERYBODY to join. Even other party members of other partys. On a more serious note, let me break down real quick what die Partei is on the Political spectrum. Its pretty centre left. Overall we are of the opinion that not a lot must change, but that there definitely are some things. Most of all, tighter controls of politicians and the economy against foul play, a relaxing of the ban on Mariuana because thats doing nothing but waste taxes and criminalise well adjusted members of society, also general decriminalisation of users of hard drugs and treating them as suffering from a psychological disorder that needs too be treated. Then less money to failing large scale cooperations that have no chance of really coming back, and much more money for public institutions like schools. Strengthening of public transport and a lot of climate concerned points like renewable energy, an end to subventions of coal (without them that industry would stop being profitable and force renewables to take over) a stop to a lot of other questionable institutions in that part of the economy. (singly use items and so on) And obviously equality to all people, same rights to homosexuals everywhere for example.
There is more but thats a rough overview. They way we portray the stuff is definitely crass, but we like to think of it as holding a mirror to societys face.


In my opinion the PARTEI is a little bit more left than the Greens, but that really is debateable.

Anyways: "Wählt die PARTEI, denn sie ist sehr gut!"


pirates are somewhere in there too...
pirates be like uuh...
net stuff or smths....
