Games for Your 11 Week Old Baby | 0-3 Month Games

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0:00 Face Feelings
0:24 Play Peek-a-Boo
0:39 Tongue Teezer
0:52 Who Am I?
1:15 Help get baby on the right pathway

Week 11 Games
• Face Feelings: Grab a stuffed animal and talk to it. Touch its face. Name each part (nose, ears) you touch. Let baby feel the stuffed animal’s face and yours. Name what they touch. Then help them touch their own ears, mouth, etc., while you name each part. Helps baby develop sense of touch.
• Play Peek-a-Boo: Lay baby on a blanket on their tummy on the floor. You can lay on your tummy facing your baby and cover your face with your hands or a scarf. Then uncover your face and say “peek-a-boo.” Helps baby develop play and memory skills.
• Tongue Teezer: Stick out your tongue and encourage baby to try. Try this during diaper changes or playtime. Helps baby develop tongue control.
• Who Am I?: Gently bring baby’s hands to their face and help them stoke their cheeks. Point out different parts of their body as well. Helps baby learn about their body.

It’s never too early to start playing games to help your child reach their sensory, communication, feeding and motor milestones. These activities are designed to help your baby as they move towards their three month milestones. These games are not limited to this specific week. You can keep playing these games over the next several weeks as long as you and baby continue to have fun.

If you are concerned that your baby isn’t meeting these milestones by three months, trust your instincts and talk to your healthcare professional.

All the games are developed with and approved by expert pediatric physical and occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists.

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