Can I Own a Gun if Charged with Domestic Violence?

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Losing the ability to carry a Firearm is always one the Biggest Concerns for those arrested 😬 Especially if you’re charged with Domestic Violence.
The question of “Can you own a gun if charged with domestic violence?” has come up. Attorney Daviana Braniff explains. There may be circumstances where you're not lawfully allowed to own a firearm. 😳
Our attorneys specialize in Criminal Defense. If you or someone you know has been arrested, give us a call! ✊
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The question of “Can you own a gun if charged with domestic violence?” has come up. Attorney Daviana Braniff explains. There may be circumstances where you're not lawfully allowed to own a firearm. 😳
Our attorneys specialize in Criminal Defense. If you or someone you know has been arrested, give us a call! ✊
#civilrights #guns #gunrights #2ndamendment #domesticdispute #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #arrested #jail #attorneys #attorneysofinstagram #lawyers #lawyersofinstagram #legaladvice #law #tampa
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