Pagan Symbols in Islam Part 1: The Crescent Moon

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Uncle Sam exposes the pagan origins of Islam by examining the Crescent Moon symbol used in Mosques around the world.
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If kissing the black stone takes away the sin of muslims what happens to the less privilege who can't travel to kiss the black stone? THANK YOU JESUS FOR SHARING YOUR BLOOD FOR my sin I don't have to travel 🙏


But I thought muslims believed in Jesus?


The similarity between the ancient pagan religions and the man made pagan religion called christianity that mixed with the pagan Romans and Greeks religions that were in Jerusalem and translated the bible and mixed it with their pagans beliefs and shared everything with the pagans all the beliefs and rituals.

1- the multiple gods like the Romans and the Greeks and the Hindu gods.

2-the same belief of an immortal god in the sky choosing a mortal human woman on earth to give birth to his son like the Romans (Zeus and his son Neptune) the Greeks (Heracles) the Hindu (Krishna and Rama and Shiva)

3- the born baby God of an immortal God and a mortal woman as his mother and raising him by herself on earth while his Immortal father God is watching him from the sky and supporting him.

4- the young human God on earth like Krishna - Budah - Jesus.

5- the forgiveness only by shedding blood. Like the pagans in Africa.

6-the need of the human sacrifice  to take away the sins.

7- eating the flesh of the sacrificed  human and drinking his blood like the pagans' belief in Africa and the Romans.

8-making Idols and pics of the human god in the churches and in their homes like Jesus's pictures on the walls and jesus's idols on the cross hanged on the walls and they pray in front of it and touching it to get the blessing from it. Also the biggest idol in brazil on the mountain they come to it from around the world to pray in front of it and touching it to get the blessing from it .

9- praying in the sun-day the day of sun God for the ancient pagans that were worshiping their God the sun in it.

10- Celebrating the same copied pagans festive occasions christmas and halloween. Go search by yourself about their roots and origins on the net and where they took their ideas from.

11- the pagans Romans invented the killing tool the cross like the Romans and ancient Egyptian the pharaohs that's why the God of christianity chose it to be the praised symbol for his salvation and forgiveness and prayers for himself .that's why the christians take this pagan symbol as a symbol of pray and salvation.

12- the human god dies and then go to his immortal father God in the sky .like the human hindu gods and the buddhist human god that went to the sky after they been on earth for a period of time.

And here the God expose the paganism in the man made Christianity.

(Romans 1:23) and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

(Romans 1:25) because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

(Numbers 23:19) God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
