Indian DNA History 🧬 🇮🇳

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I don't know why western people only consider dark skinned South Indians as Indians. Even though not all South Indians are dark. They think all Indians are dark, which is absolutely ridiculous.


Same as Africa. Many folk see it as a country. It's actually a continent of 52 separate countries with many diverse peoples and traditions. 😊


There is no pure race, we all are little of everything . No pure race period ❤❤❤.


One of the few video by foreigner(non indian) that focus on dna rather than language based Indo-Aryan nonsense push by european historians


Austrian stock living in Africa sending blessings to my cousins in the subcontinent, you guys are beautiful, make the best damn food in the world and are too good at dancing.


The Hittites were Indo-Europeans in Turkey who worshipped the gods Indra, Mitra and Varuna. These gods are also in Hinduism.


As someone who has romani ancestry on my mother's side i came back on a dna test as 7% indian continent, so this was very interesting and informative


Northeastern Indian here. I have high Sino-Tibetan DNA. I pass as South Chinese.


We've got a rich genepool whatsoever. India is like a mini world.. ❤


"Cast" is distorted labelled introduced by British. Its called "Varna" means Category". Earlier people were identified based on the work they do.
"Scholars" were called Brahmin literally means "man with knowledge"
"Kshatriya" were soldiers, same goes for Kshatriya which means "Worrier"
"Vaishya" were businessman, Vaishya literally means "businessman"
"Shudra" is a combination of "Shu" and "dra", Shu means beautiful, for example "Shu-shobhit" etc. Dra means "flow" sometimes called "dravya". so shudra means people who uses to make beautiful things. Tinkerers were called Shudra, people who used to make shoes, stonemason, making wooden utensils etc.

It was British/Islamic rulers who twisted the meaning and destroyed the very fabric of Indian society.


All human beings start or came from africa.however the rest countries do not want to say.because they may feel undeveloped, 3rd world country.the truth is africa is the mother of all humanties.❤🎉


One thing that I see in this videos is an underlying desire to be closer to Europeans and whiteness, especially through the idea of being fairer than people from other regions. The British created this idea of an Indo- Aryan invasion as a way to justify colonialism. Their made up classification of race and the inclusion of Northern Indians under the banner of Caucasian was to help them lay connection and claim to India's civilizations. Becaus advances made by a non- European ancient South Asian society would've challenged the theory of white supremacy. In their minds, it's better to classify those non-Europeans as kind as almost white in theory, but never white in practice. Also, the majority of places on earth have gone through series of different migrations from various people groups some having great cultural or religious influence over others. It’s not a unique phenomenon.


The founder population in China was not overwhelmed though, they continue to persist in China and gave rise to all modern eastern Chinese populations. Eastern Chinese are still 100% of East Eurasian origin having descended from various ESEA lineages, while Indians are on average 30-45% East Eurasian, having partially descended from the related AASI lineage.


When there's never a race called Aryan in reality ever existed what's point of all these concoction!


Some indians also have bmac some of us also have few amount of Anatolian farmers dna


Some will hate me for this but i believe that India is the cradle of mankind. India is where mankind first came about for reasons below which make total sense!!
If you take one strand of South Indian straight hair and hold it over heat like a candle flame, it will curle up to look like our African brothers hair. Because a major part of Africa was on the equator where it was very hot, when ancient natives of India moved to Africa and the equator they eventually became darker skinned and their hair curled up because of the heat. The features also changed to deal with the extreme heat at the equator. The noses became wider so as to release the hot air faster. (The opposite is true of Europe, because of the extreme cold, the ancient native of India that moved there, had to retain body heat and so their noses were smaller so as not to lose that heat.

So the migrations had to have started from India.

Likewise when migrations from India reached Europe because of very little sun, they became light skinned.

I also saw Albinos in the Dalit community and from a distance I thought they were Europeans. My mind was trying to figure out how these European tourists got left behind India and were so poor???. There is even a YT video of albinism in India and how those who have it look 100% European. I am not trying to be mean.
In fact there is a girl in North India that was in the news, that has albinism and had blue eyes and blonde hair, and is mistaken as German, although she sounds 100% Indian. And she is very pretty, she does not look like someone that has Albinism. Sadly, she feels very lonely as she is viewed as a foreigner.
And i believe Indians also went to Asia where again a mutation occurred with the eyes.
I believe the cradle of mankind is India, as it makes complete and total sense that all different races that have come about in the world would come from the Indian people.

It is very difficult to make sense of the Out of Africa theory and make that jump for Europeans to have come from Africa. It does not make sense. And for the Indian to come from Africa to have their hair straighten up....!! There would be no environmental factors to cause the hair to straighten up!
i expect to get a lot of hate but like has happened before, the scientific community will figure out they got it all wrong when skeletons of ancient people are found in India and the world.


I’m SOUTH Indian from KERALA🌴🇮🇳 a LOT of us are Lightskin too💯


The vedas and all languages including sanskrit were developed by indegenous people.Continet of europe is temperate and till 18th century bathig was a luxury whiek indus valley was civikized with well laid places for bath and drains etc.The civilization was indegenous, migrants and invaders might have happened as India is warm and had fertile lands.


Unfortunately the DNA claims given here about skeletons fron the Indus Valley Civilization are factually incorrect. Only one skeleton provided enough DNA to provide a genetic analysis, and the closest match was to Ancestral South Indian DNA. In addition, an extensive analysis of modern DNA in India showed the whole of the Indian population to be much more closely related to each other than populations outside India, and a gradual variation in for example Iranian farmer/Yamna DNA North to South and Tibeto-Burmese DNA North East to South. This is evidence of a mingled Indian population with a slow and steady influx of external DNA from trade and peaceful migration than a significant influx due to invasion and displacement of the native population. The complete absense of Yamna DNA is not stastically significant in a sample size of one, particularly if the two populations were separate cultures which coexisted in the same area in different settlements as in the Oxus Valley Civilization.
What this means is that the Yamna DNA was also present in India at the same time as the Ancestral South Indian DNA prior to the Indus Valley Civilization. There is also a Dravidian language called Brahui which is spoken to the present day Pakistan to this day, close to where the ancient Indus Valley cities in Pakistan were. It should also be noted that the Yamna culture and Indus Valley Civilization cultures were completely different - the former were nomadic cattle herders who lived a pastoralist livelihood, and had an oral tradition of history much like in early Arabia or Europe, whereas the Indus Valley Civilization was settled, highly urbanised, and very structured. The post Indus Valley Civilization Indian Civilization seems to be a merger of the two cultures with the reverence for the cow, and the pastoral traditions in the Rig Veda, and the memorization of mantras coming from the Yamna traditions, and the writing of both North and South India, yoga, certain practices like yoga and certain deities like Shiva, and certain symbols like the Swastika, and a tradition of river/sea faring transport coming from the Indus Valley Civilization. If you want to know how this might have come about, look at the ancient Oxus Civilization which had Indus Valley and Yamna towns built close together and trading with each other. My take on this is that the Western coast was Ancestral Indian and they moved up the river valleys which were occupied by people of the Yamna culture to access raw materials for industrial manufacture and set up the Indus Valley cities on rivers to trade, mine, and process products for export to the Middle East and other places by sea. As in the Oxus, the two cultures merged and intermarried and became the modern Indian populations. The Indus Valley Civilization declined due to changing of the course of the Saraswathi river system, cutting off navigation to the sea, and only the minor part of the Indus Valley cities on the Indus river survived - explaining the persistence of Brahui in Baluchistan. The merging of the populations in culture, lifestyle and religion led to Hinduism, and the modern Indian culture.
The claim that the R1 Y haplogroup shows that Indo Aryans invaded India from the steppe/Europe is debunked by the DNA evidence. There was a Yamna invasion of Europe which has been shown by DNA evidence. However this is not the case in India. There is no sudden change in R1 haplogroup in India that would indicate a sudden invasion. In addition the largest variation in the R1 haplogroup occurs in India, and the lowest in Western Europe, with Caucasian and Slavic DNA being closest to the Indian R1 haplogroup. This indicates the origin of the R1 haplogroup occurred in India and moved to Western Europe via the Steppe rather than the other way around. This probably occurred in two stages with Yamna populations moving into the steppes earlier, and then from the steppes to Western Europe in the transition from neolithic culture to early bronze age, and again during the bronze age collapse.


4:44 There is no such thing as Pathan Indians. The word pathan is an indianized word for Pashtuns ( The dominant ethnic group of Afghanistan ) The Pashtuns/Afghans are eastern iranic. So it doesn’t make sense to call them indians. Thats like calling a spanish guy slavic.
