Ouch! 3 Most PAINFUL Submissions in BJJ

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Bro every time u say three and give two 😭😭😭 man's giving me trust issues


Bro tapped on the first one so fast that shit must be insane😭


The 3rd one didn't even need an explanation. That alone tells us how painful it is.


alternate title: best submissions to do to your friends in class


Pretty sure bicep slicer can also tear your bicep so be careful on that one


The 3rd one’s the best & most painful submission that I’ve ever not seen! 😅😂


I like the part where he showed the 3rd one


I’ve seen the bicep slicer break forearms so be careful if u don’t tap there are consequences.


I love all the taps from the blue belt


bicep slicer will separate your humerus from your forearm if you don't tap from the pain. Also I think it is for brown belts and up when in gi. Be safe out there.


I only hope this guy keeps posting cause he's Amazing...so much to learn ...Thank you Matt


I don’t think anyone should hate you for doing these. Just show restraint. It’s good to train all the effective things. This seems like a good gym. Subbed.


Bro went to BJJ class and graduated with honors, but apparently he skipped basic math class!


RIP the test dummy for all these videos.


Ouch! I could tell how much they hurt by his frantic taps. Great demo.


The second he said most painful submission I said calf slicer to my phone lol


That 3rd one is the hardest to master as you need lighting speed 😂


The third one is really useful and helpful thanks man



I literally used that 10 finger choke in 2020 in a real life self defense situation. It's one of the nastiest chokes I've ever used.

I was severely injured that day and couldn't even bend to touch my own feet that morning to put on my own socks and shoes. I literally walked to my neighbor's house barefoot for help.

I was on the train heading to work when I overheard a commotion. I looked up and saw it was a couple threatening an elderly homeless man. They both looked like meth heads. I tried yelling out to get their attention on me and talking with them trying to get them to calm down. It didn't work and they even indicated that they would shoot me with their .45 they indicated they had in their bag. So when my stop on the train came, I tried to get off. The man attacked me from behind though, punching me in the back of my head.

Now I'm a little dude. 5'4" and 170lb. And I'm badly injured. So I wasn't excited about trying to fight this guy, but I felt like I couldn't escape safely if he was going to attack me from behind. So I turned and put my hands up as if to box him. And just slid in and out of his range while he punched air and I gauged his timing. Then I threw possibly the worst kick of my life in the general direction of his leg from a safe range. I wasn't trying to land it, I just wanted him to try and kick me back. And as soon as he did, I stepped in and grabbed him by his throat pushing him back into the train. He tried punching me with his one arm while grabbing at my hand choking him with the other. But I got his punching arm immediately caught in an overhook. I then pulled/dragged him down to the groundin a sitting position, and got this ten finger choke in with my feet pushing into his hips to create extra pressure for the choke. He immediately gave up, but his partner was punching me now, so I slightly loosened the choke and told him to get her to stop first before I let go. He told her to stop. She wouldn't. I kept the choke going. He gasped out for her to stop again, and she did. I let him go. She went for their gun in the bag to shoot me and I shoulder checked the fuck out of her knocking the now open bag down to the ground. I kicked the bag to a corner on the train car and rushed to stand over it while trying to hold her back and keep her away from it. The dude was spitting blood up while sitting in a seat at this point. And I'm begging the other passengers to help because I have NO GAS left and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep this lady away from the gun much longer. Some lady takes out her phone though instead and started filming. Less than 25 seconds later we reach the next stop and the doors open behind me and I fall out backwards. She immediately started reaching down into her bag shouting that she was about to shoot me. And I took off running and zig zagging expecting to feel intense pain and hear gunshots any moment. But the train doors closed, and the train took off.
After taking a moment to dry heave my brains out, I walked out of the train station and flagged down a transit cop immediately.

I reported what happened and they caught the people less than 10 minutes later still on the train. Apparently I messed the dude up enough that they couldn't really escape.

Also, the police did inform me that they did indeed have a gun. They were meth users and they were known to the transit police already for other issues. Oh and they are in jail now.

The end


Man you seem pretty knowledgeable. Maybe you should teach. Idk if you've ever thought about doing that. Maybe even make informational youtube shorts about grappling
