Catholic Church, gay community react to Pope Francis calling for same-sex civil unions

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For the first time ever a pope is voicing support for same-sex civil unions. The Catholic Church and gay communities reacted to Pope Francis's comments.
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God's words are getting true.. these are the last days...


It can never be Doctrine in Gods eyes. That’s why he destroyed Soddom and Gomorrah! Why is it the world cannot see this intrinsic truth?


So when are you guys at the Catholic Church gonna condemn the pope?


Quite understandably, the Holy Father’s recent statements concerning civil unions have captured the attention of the world press, because many people are anxious for the Church to change its position on marriage and family. Pope Francis strongly and consistently teaches that marriage is between a man and woman for a lifetime and that this is God’s plan for having and raising children.

The Pope’s endorsement of civil unions is not an endorsement of homosexual activity. Just as the Church does not campaign against civil laws that allow for common-law marriage or second marriages that are not sacramental, even though such arrangements can be in violation of the laws of the Church, the Holy Father recognizes that in civil society there can be cogent reasons to enact such laws providing for civil unions which are not the same as the institution of marriage.

Pope Francis has seen civil unions as a way for governments to provide protections and health care for couples in long-term, committed relationships, whether they be siblings or friends or partners. Such arrangements are not always of a sexual nature.

The Holy Father is very aware of the suffering and alienation of homosexual individuals, gay people, who are rejected by family and society. He is also keenly aware of the parents and loved ones who also suffer because a member of their family is bullied or marginalized for being different. The demands of sexual morality are very challenging for anyone seeking to lead a life of faithful discipleship. We do not serve people well by falsely claiming that we can change the Decalogue. Our task is to show people that we love them and care about them and that together we can strive to be better people, more generous, more courageous and more faithful to what God is calling us to do.


This is why people should read the Bible and not listen to this Pope. The Bible is the Word of God and Jesus. The Pope wasn't chosen by God or Jesus, but by people. People who are sinners and corrupted by this world.


The Papacy is TWO people . The Emeritus Pope is still alive and his position is not the same as the acting Pope, Francis. In fact, the very issue being discussed is the reason he retired. This means the acting Pope can speak his mind as person and it not necessarily meaning it is the official line of the Papacy. Pope Francis is basically saying : ‘ I’m the left hand side of the Papacy and a man. It’s not for me to judge ! ‘ This means that he is leaving it up to God. In other words : ‘ Go ahead and be as gay as you like ! It’s got nothing to do with me. On your head be it ! ‘ .


Love one another. Does it exclude LGBT?


hi i’m questioning my sexuality and christian so what are y’all’s opinions on that


Jesus Christ is calling you today : come out and repent from all sexual immorality and repent from all other sins... Jesus Christ is coming soon 😢🙏


Im a musilm and that wrong to chirstan ( sorry my English no good at righting )


Amy Coney Barrett dislikes Pope Francis, and clicked that button together with ~30 homophobias.


WOW! This is incredible!
Is it really possible that we are in the presence of THE actual Anti-Christ??!
Paul said that the rapture will not occur until "The Man of Sin" has been revealed. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Fellow Christians - we may be MUCH closer than we think!


Dear church brothers and sister of our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ. I agree that we should all show brotherly and sisterly love but, aside from this we should not evade from what is written in the law. This is a complete aversion from what is written in the scriptures and engaging in any same-sex matrimonial exercises are forbidden, for the Lord does not make mistakes and he is certainly not a liar but, the devil is rather the father of all lies just as he deceived Adam and Eve while in the garden. Church should we follow the new norm in society, simply because we live in a culture moving farther away from God’s ultimate design. Yet, Pope Francis is feeding these lies and deception to the Catholic Church and for this we should be spiritually vigilant and still pray for him; that his mind would not be corrupted or decieved. It is on record that Pope Francis has stated, that he conceives of Christ-Jesus of Nazareth: a man, not an incarnate god. He replied: “Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, although he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not a god at all.” He is in essence scattering the children of God. This is what the bible speaks about when it describes the spirit of the Antichrist. 1John 4:2-3 speaks of this blasphemy that is now prevelant. "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
2Timothy 4 says, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Dear Church be aware of what is occuring and what is the Holy word of God for it does not waiver. The Lord bless you and keep you and may our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ contiually dwell in your hearts! 💕🙏🏽


Why does that guy keep saying
" doctorine"? Is this why he has other problems as well?


I deny it. Where are the Christian values?


There will be violent earthquakes, and famines and plagues in various places, and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven.
Luke 21:11 Then many will fall away, betray one another, and hate one another. Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. For at that time there will be great distress, the kind that hasn’t taken place from the beginning of the world until now and never will again. Unless those days were cut short, no one would be saved. But those days will be cut short because of the elect. “If anyone tells you then, ‘ See, here is the Messiah! ’Or, ‘ Over here! ’Do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Take note: I have told you in advance. So if they tell you, ‘See, he’s in the wilderness! ’Don’t go out; or, ‘See, he’s in the storerooms! Do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. “Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light ; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the peoples of the earth will mourn; and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. He will send out his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows - neither the angels of heaven nor the Son - except the Father alone. As the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah boarded the ark. They didn’t know until the flood came and swept them all away. This is the way the coming of the Son of Man will be.
Matthew 24: 10-14, 21-27, 29-31, 35-39


I am not against Pope. As he ought to be a Man of God.
So how does Pope justify his stance when Bible states here the opposite "1 Cor 6 : 9-11" ?


Sigh... Like a ship in a storm you have no idea which direction their gonna go next.. what exactly are the standards? please make up your mind. cuz if it is God's ( biblical) then like God, it never changes, if it is a man .. then.. welll....


Religion makes me laugh I can’t.. I really can’t 😂... people get mad over silly things


Very soon the Lord's prayer will be answered. Jesus will begin ruling as King of kings and bring about God's will on earth as it is in heaven! Beautiful changes will take place on earth. The Kingdom of God will end all rulership by man, Daniel 2:44. The wicked will be destroyed, and the righteous will inherit the earth and live forever on it, Psalms 37:9-11, 29; Proverbs 2:21, 22; Matthew 5:5. Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28, 29. The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28-31; Isaiah 55:11. In order to receive everlasting life and the blessings that God has promised to the righteous hearted meek ones who inherit the earth, we must worship the Father with spirit and truth, John 4:22-24; Isaiah 52:8; John 17:3. Pray sincerely for truth and understanding, God answers sincere prayers from humble hearts! James 4:8; Matthew 7:7.
