I Tried AG1 for 6 Months and This Is What Happened... (unsponsored review)

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With so many podcasts & videos plugging AG1 (Athletic Greens) recently, I was curious to give it a go myself to see if it would make a difference to my running and overall health. I've been taking it for 6 months now so follow along today to see if I've seen any improvements and whether I'm going to be continuing my subscription or not!

I bought this 100% with my own money to give you a completely unbiased and honest review. Thanks so much to everyone who watches these videos, likes, comments, subscribes & buys merch enabling us to bring these reviews to you!

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0:00 Intro
0:51 What is AG1?
1:15 Ingredients & health benefits
1:50 How much does it cost?
2:06 What's included in the welcome pack?
2:50 About me and why I wanted to try it
3:44 What did it taste like?
4:23 How did it make me feel?
6:17 How often I took it
7:01 Alternative green powders
7:58 Will I continue my subscription?
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Let me know any other "influencer products" you'd like to see me try and we'll get them in to test!


Ben, let me just say that I appreciate the fact that you're spending all that money to provide the community with unbiased reviews. That is not for granted and it does not go unnoticed. You're a legend, a big hug!


4 pairs of Vapourfly's a year. I'll take the shoes.


£80 will buy quite an amount of fruit and veg.


I agree 100%. I tried this for 4 months. Don’t know how much it helped me - certainly no adverse effects but costs a fortune. Then I read that tests had shown that taking supplements inhibits you getting 100% of the nutrients in normal food so I stopped taking it. Not sure how true that is. Anyway I didn’t notice any negatives after I stopped. My conclusion is that it’s crazy expensive for no obvious benefit.


Adam McDonald (a performance nutritionist on YouTube) does a fantastic job of explaining why AG1 is a massive scam


I think just eating cleaner, healthier and home cooked food will do more good than having some AG1 every day. Glad to hear it got you on the right path and sometimes we need a little expensive gadget to keep or get us on that right track. Keep getting it done Ben


Have heard AG1 advertised by joe rogan and a lot of places, so interested to see the review . I think the high price is the main issue. Looking at the ingredients it seems it would be a lot cheaper and as effective just to take a multivitamin/multimineral tablet and throw in a probiotic drink separately. Thanks for the review !


You are the only "fitness influencer" I follow so I had never heard about AG1 until today ;-) Yeah you changed too many parameters in your life at the same time so it would be very difficult to attribute your improvements to this one product especially since you explained that you started cooking again + seeing a therapist. Thanks for this balanced review and also bringing up competing products.


Thanks Ben. I had been wondering about this AG1 and the wonder is over. I am going to pay myself $25.00 per hour to cook good food for myself and save my wages for a new pair of runners...and other kit. Thanks Big time


Thank you for your "no BS" approach to product reviews. It helps me trust your opinion.

I'll be giving AG1 a swerve.


Definitely won't be giving it a try but really appreciate your insight and review on your experience!


Great unbiased report Ben! I wasn't terribly surprised by the conclusion but I'm happy to know it helped you.

I tried it myself for 2 months but didn't see the improvements you noticed. The price tag killed it, especially considering my very amateur level.

What I gather from this video is you should definitely start posting some cooking video! Those meals looked so much better than the green goo 😅


This was really interesting, Ben, so thank you for doing it. I’m glad to hear that you have been feeling so much better mentally and physically. The fact that you were making so many positive changes all at once does make it that much harder to say what role AG1 played in your performance, if any. I’ve always read that multivitamins are completely unnecessary for people that have a relatively well balanced diet, which it certainly appears you do. I think I’ll pass on spending the money to try this experiment. I’d be interested to know where you are finding the recipes you’re trying, or to see you make a few of your favorites (looked tasty!). Cheers to you from the San Francisco Bay Area.


I am glad you mentioned on thing that most don't - AG1 might have been part of a catalyst to the other improvments in your life. This happens a lot when people change diets, or start running/gym work. I have many conversations with friends along the lines of "I cut out XYZ and now I feel great", but they are also running 2 times a week now, and eating more veg etc.

It's not the silver bullet, but if you have the money and it keeps you motivated (or motivates you to change), then I think it's worth the investment - at least until a habit has been built.


Ben, thank you for the video. Glad you have come to conclusion that making changes in your lifestyle are the best thing to do. Having a medical condition for life I am being constantly reminded by the medical professionals that unless something has been prescribed due to deficiency there is no need to take it. Surprisingly even with my guts not working properly my regular blood test never show me being deficient in any of the vitamins. I honestly think it's a waste of money. Specially at such a hefty price tag. Get yourself tested for levels of vitamins, iron etc. And then if low take what you actually need.


Thank you Ben, I was wondering the exact same thing that you were after hearing about it from so many influencers that I "trust." I think a person can get 95% of the results you did from healthy eating and paying attention to mental health. But, as you said, you're paying for the convenience with products like this. Great video!!


I definitely have a gut issues, I’m 74 and I have Parkinson’s and Cushing’s. I just ordered some AG one, and you’re right OMG it’s expensive. If in one month I can tell any difference I’ll order another one if not… Bye-bye AG one I enjoyed your podcast, thank you for being real and thank you for being honest. Terrie😊


Great to hear an unbiased opinion. Have a couple of marine iguana friends who swear by chewing on some seaweed !
Happy running, both of you


Hi Ben, great video as always. You mentioned trying AG1 to improve your gut health, but then showed lots of great, healthy WFPB meals. The key to a healthy gut is lots of fiber, which you are getting from those healthy meals you are cooking. Fruit and veg are full of fiber (prebiotics) Add in some fermented foods like kimchi/tempeh for some probiotics and you will be getting everything you need. Save yourself £80 a month and keep on cooking WFPB meals, and I'm sure you'll continue to stay plantstrong.
