How Could ESP Work? | Episode 1508 | Closer To Truth

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If ESP were real, would it transcend space and time? How could our minds know stuff, and do stuff, not only beyond our senses, but also beyond the laws of physics? What are possible mechanisms? Featuring interviews with Brian Josephson, Lawrence M. Krauss, Michael Shermer, Charles T. Tart, and Dean Radin.

Season 15, Episode 8 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#ESP #Physics
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You could ask all the experts "is consciousness real?" and to the best of my knowledge there's no way for science to detect consciousness except for a scientist to ask, 'hey bro, you awake?'


I have seen ESP totally work...not in humans..but in dogs. So I did a research in college. We took 20 dogs and had owners drop them off at 7 am and pick them up exactly at 5:30pm. The dogs were basically in daycare. They were inside a big warehouse building that was 3;stories and many rooms.The dogs were all contained in a big room in on the 2 nd story in the middle of the building There were no windows, man smells, no sounds no visuals to the outside. After a week we noticed the dogs showing certain behaviors about 30 min before 530 that gold is they were aware of the time their owners were going to be picking them up. Like sitting at the door. Then we had a certain group of dogs to be picked.up at 230/exactly. And well we tested all kinds of ways and times and OMG there were about 6 dogs who were closely bonded to their owners actually predict when they were being picked up!!! How?...we took away all the elements that people would say that is what dogs use, such as seeing the owners car, smelling them, or the sun. Oh we told the start really thinking about their dog about 30 min before they pick them up. . I have seen ESP in animals.... If humans want to study esp. Study animals they totally hold that capability.!!! Its the 6th sense


I believe it's real. Premonitions literally saved my life on 2 occasions. Another time I got a feeling something was very wrong at home and it was. When we understand consciousness we'll be closer to understanding ESP


He's right, the 'supernatural' isn't super once it can be explained. That's kind of a problem, to assume that it is "super." Just because we can't figure out the mechanics or causal details doesn't necessarily mean something ISN'T. Case in point, dark matter. We have lots of theories of dark matter to explain statistical stuff that has been observed. Yet, the the scientific heterodoxy has little trouble with positing dark matter.


You're personally so open minded and always ask the touch questions for all sides, I really appreciate your work.


Robert, you are a real scientist. You do not ruled out any hypothesis based on your own beliefs, your self assumptions. Thank you for your work.


Thank you Dr. Robert Kuhn for your amazing work! I love watching you and how you probe the most important questions in the universe.


8:54 But that is also true for entanglement. There is no fall off. Distance does not matter while it physical should not be possible. Our brains are made of particles that can be entangled.. I'm not saying ESP is true, I'm just pointing out the "what if".


Note the difference between the skeptics like Shermer etc. They are SO emphatic in their denial almost to the point of anger. Meanwhile the proponents are often calm and level headed when talking about it.


An elder sasquatch spoke to me telepathically in 2018. I asked how he was able to speak to me, the sasquatch said meditation, breath work and focus on the ajna chakra are important practices.


Anyone else waiting on Krause to say, “Inconceivable!”


Could ESP be something from large scale of the universe?


I have precognition dreams. The first one I remember was around age 7-8. Sometimes they are very specific (like knowing someone is going to be injured, or that someone is pregnant). Other times they are more abstract, but either way they are my proof that ESP is real. I also experience telepathy often with my family. It's really cool, I wish I could harness it!


Love this discussion...thank you for your work...I was friends with JB Rhine who invented the term Extra Sensory Perception and have been studying parapsychology seriously for 50 plus years...not such a long time for such a reality revolution....The argument for ESP is the same argument for God...for a force outside time and space...I love science and the scientific method....but, it seems to me it's like taking a yardstick to find out how much somebody weight...In my telepathy experiments in my labe at Cal State LA in the early 70s we were running Zenner cards....we received a high number of hits...but, not to the 99 out of 100 we were looking for....but, there were moments in that lab when we KNEW we had a hit...they knew it...I knew assistant knew it and I would guess that even the mouse in the corner knew it...I believe it had to do with the "state" we were in...We talk about "reality" but, it seems there are many realities that we go in and out of throughout the day....Consider the possibility that in the perfect "reality state" telepathy and the paranormal is possible....Again, I love the discussion and the beautiful production...please keep it up!


The mistake is in starting from a physicalist/materialist model of reality and then trying to understand and fit ESP inside that model.
We now know that space-time is doomed, it's not fundamental, and that there's a much deeper, information-based reality from which space-time emerges.
This deeper reality doesn't have the same rules of space-time, and can allow for non-local phenomena like ESP, especially if, like Donald Hoffman, John Hagelin and others propose, its fundamental nature is Consciousness itself, or a deep network of conscious agents constantly interacting with each other in an abstract, non physical realm outside space time.


I have been interested in parapsychology for a faw years, since I had seemingly precognitive, clairvoyant and psychokinetic experiences. I had flashes of incredibely precise scenarios that happened moments later although there were time and space barriers that should have made it impossible, I've seemingly manages to switch off a street lamp from 200 meters away, one among 20 others, at night, while I was drunk. I seemingly made a coat fall onto a man in a travel bus. I dreamt of the exact scene of meeting with my best friend more than a year after we had quarreled and stopped to talk to each other, I had remote feeling of my mother in pain hours before hearing the news. All this happened, I read the psi litterature, and yet I cannot escape rationalizing it to the extreme, and positing crazy explanations for how all of these experiences could have taken place relying on known physics. Because it's just too crazy to think esp is real. I am divided, I believe, in the same way I know that fire burns because I've experienced it, but at the same time I still doubt it and I find skeptics observations that no signal could channel psi information very convincing. I want to know the TRUTH dammit 😂


ESP isn't beyond the laws of physics. It is beyond our understanding of the laws of physics. There is simply more there than we currently have mapped out within science. I know ESP to be real. I've seen the future as if it were a memory of the past. An understanding of the future, as clear as a memory of the past and when it's that clear it always happens. I think a lot of people have it but they block it out because honestly, it can be overwhelming.


The universe is more mysterious than we are capable of imagining.


This is fascinating to explore.

Beyond the five senses, I know experientially that we can access insights through meditation or introspection.

Apart from the realm of knowledge through these methods, I have experienced paranormal phenomena. I have heard my name called clearly, but never was anyone there. This happened about 4 times in my youth, the last being in 1978 at Anderson AFB in Guam. I was 19. When I was about 6, I saw a shadow figure while in bed looking out at the open doorway. It frightened me. It started towards me as if it were zooming in, no gait. I couldn't yell. I hid under the covers. When I uncovered my head, it was gone. When I was around 47, when I returned to my condo in Florida, I smelled the scents of my maternal grandmother. On a regular basis, I will look at the time and it will be 22 past the hour, even waking in the middle of the night, and I will think of my father who passed away from physical form on 6.22.16. These experiences may be off topic, but they may point to a metaphysical dimension.


If ESP was real the basis behind an Esper/psychic would be like this, this is my idea after all the data I've gathered on the human brain and general biology.

Your aim would be to attain your own Personal Reality, a term referring to normal reality being replaced by a person's own reality, (it's a term borrowed from motivational advice about having a positive mentality), which is the basis for gaining powers that often defy normal reality but would still be based on the universe's physics. Through a series of tests, studies, lectures, medicines, body stimulation (drugs injected directly into a blood vessel, the brain being pierced directly from behind the ears) and hypnosis, a person's brain can be modified so that they can unlock their very own "Personal Reality".

The program would use doublespeak in order for it to deceive observers of the true nature of the many tests in the program, such as "recording skills" and "memorization skills". This would be based on the observer effect seen in the double slit experiment.

The curriculum would not only cover how to attain a personal reality and powers, but also various concepts associated with it, such as basic Quantum Mechanic principles, as well as the effects of their powers, such as EM diffusion fields. (The electromagnetic fields around our bodies) A psychic's power would be measured in the irregularity of their body's EM waves and brain scans.

EM is not simply weak energy emanating from psychics, but the unconscious interference against reality we all produce in our body's natural EM waves because of how neurons in the body and brain work.

An Esper's powers are controlled using complex calculations done mentally, the same as we do to command our body to move by giving it signals through the brain. Although more complex as in high tier real time mathematics.

While the brain is an important component to esper power, it is not the only factor. The entire physical human body is also part of this system and controls the power, though the exact mechanism is not well understood.

The Schrödinger's cat thought experiment would be used as a basis for Personal Reality, wherein an esper/psychic could theoretically choose what happens to the cat inside the box to bypass the Uncertainty Principle.

Genetics would also have some influence on esper powers, and DNA can be used to determine esper powers such as Precognition,  Clairvoyance, Pyrokinesis,  Psychometry,  Telepathy, Psychokinesis and many more powers based on physics.

The term "esper" does not automatically imply ESP, as it could also refer to someone that does not have extrasensory perception but instead influences objects in their surroundings, referred to as Psychokinesis. Abilities such as Pyrokinesis would be considered psychic powers despite the individual not having extrasensory perception.

In extension to this, it has been speculated that there may be people who have not realized that they have powers, or that their certain propensities or idiosyncrasies, as subtle as good looks or good penmanship, may actually have these powers.

Finally I'll Explain how articulating our EM fields through the brain in a theoretical curriculum could achieve a personal reality and thus abilities based on physical phenomena:

Our brains cells generate electricity.

Traditional electricity is generated by the motion of free electrons, but the electricity generated by neurons results from the motion of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane. The electrical signals only help to transfer information from the cell body through the axon to the synapse.

Neurons in the human brain receive electrical signals from thousands of other cells, and long neural extensions called dendrites play a critical role in incorporating all of that information so the cells can respond appropriately.

That electrical radiation acts as wifi because it's fixed as a specific psychic ability. Wifi is transferring code via an electrical signal. The esper's body is surrounded by their EM Diffusion Fields because the entire body carries neurons, not just the brain.

You have hundreds of nerves and billions of neurons in your body. The nervous system is divided into two components — the CNS and the PNS. The CNS includes your brain and spinal cord while the PNS is composed of nerves that branch off from the CNS and into your body's periphery.

[B]Why is this important?

Because electromagnetism warps space-time.

Magnetic field has energy and, therefore, acts as a source of gravity, which, according to General Theory of Relativity, bends space-time.

Aside from this "trivial" (because all field have energy and, therefore, bend space-time) and indirect (by way of gravity) influence on the geometry of space-time, the more interesting question is, can electromagnetic field directly affect space-time similarly to the way gravitational field affects Riemannian geometry causing curvature. After the discovery of General Theory of Relativity, this question preoccupied Albert Einstein the rest of his life.

There have been numerous semi-successful attempts to describe electromagnetic field through geometry by Einstein himself and many others. These included description of electromagnetic field as a torsion of spacetime, as anti-symmetric part of the metric tensor, as nonmetricity of the Affine connection (which I believe properly describes gravitational field) or through extra dimension, as in 5-dimensional Kluza-Klein theory. Despite all this effort, there is no universally accepted unified field theory today.

Since matter carries energy (via Einstein's famous relation that energy is mass times the speed of light squared), such objects will have a gravitational field and so they will distort space-time.

This is why a human would be able to warp reality to the point that they could achieve an ability based on the universe's physical laws based on what their genetics would code through their electromagnetic signal created by their body, such as teleportation using the 5th dimension to pass through.

Their interference with and subsequent distortion of reality to create effects is an isolated phenomenon based on quantum theory, their observations of the world based upon their Personal Reality affecting things on a micro quantum level to cause phenomena on a macro level.

Now that I've told you all this try to find a way to fund this in a research institution to make psychics real.
