Electron Orbital Visualization using Blender 2.82

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This video shows all orbitals clouds in Blender open source software for all allowed combinations of l & m when n = 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 & 7. It then puts focus on n = 6, l = 2 & m = 2 which was generated with 10 iso surfaces and a Blender transparency material applied so a "cloud" can be seen.
These cloud objects in Blender have been generated using a Python script which calculates the orbital cloud(s) using the proper scientific formulas and then uses the Marching Cubes computer graphics algoritm to visualize the electron orbitals at various isosurfaces (probability levels).
More details and blend file used can be found and downloaded here:
These cloud objects in Blender have been generated using a Python script which calculates the orbital cloud(s) using the proper scientific formulas and then uses the Marching Cubes computer graphics algoritm to visualize the electron orbitals at various isosurfaces (probability levels).
More details and blend file used can be found and downloaded here:
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