Blender 3D - Hydrogen Electron Orbitals/Probabilty Clouds

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The electron orbitals of the hydrogen atom describe the wave-like behavior of an electron in an atom and they show the probability to find it in a particular space region.

This video rotates around two such orbitals (n=3, l=2, m=0 & n=4) and (n=4, l=3, m=1). The orbitals have been calculated and generated in Blender 3D using a Python script. Each of these orbitals have 10 contours (iso surfaces) going inwards and due to transparency you can get an idea where the probability to find an electron is the highest.

If you want to download the blend file and generate other orbitals, take it further or just play with it, go to:
Рекомендации по теме

me encanta, podria hacer un tutorial? y tambien para orbitales de?


Does the Python script work with Blender 2.81a ? After installing SYMPY and MPMATH I got an error at line 644 ("AttributeError 'object has no attribute 'select") and, if I make those lines (641-645) as comments an other error in line 678 (line 1287 of of sympy) : "Can't calculate derivative wrt cos<angle_theta>". Notice that I know nothing about Python...


Can I use this file for my own projects?
