Ratchet and Clank PS4 - Faster than a Speeding Amoeboid Trophy Guide

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As this was recorded in-game using the PS4 hardware, the trophy notification doesn't appear in the video, but this was the very run where I earned the 'faster than a speeding amoeboid' trophy.
This was the hands-down the hardest trophy in Ratchet and Clank PS4 to get - I spent roughly an hour attempting it. If you screw up early on in the race (the first lap) it's faster to quit to the main menu, and then select continue from the title screen. You will resume right in front of where you can begin the race.
There is just about zero margin for error to get this trophy, and you must be using boost most of the time to get it. Keep practicing and you'll get it!
The faster you are going, the easier it is to steer smoothly.
It's more time-efficient to slow down slightly and setup a clean line than to go out of control and risk careening into exploding crates, especially if you want to hit boost arrows.
The normal crates fill up your boost meter, so run over as many as you can, and strategically save some for later laps in the race - you might need them to top off your boost.
Doing tricks in the air also fills up your boost meter. When you get big air do as many tricks as you can, but give yourself time to land cleanly otherwise you'll lose speed.
This was the hands-down the hardest trophy in Ratchet and Clank PS4 to get - I spent roughly an hour attempting it. If you screw up early on in the race (the first lap) it's faster to quit to the main menu, and then select continue from the title screen. You will resume right in front of where you can begin the race.
There is just about zero margin for error to get this trophy, and you must be using boost most of the time to get it. Keep practicing and you'll get it!
The faster you are going, the easier it is to steer smoothly.
It's more time-efficient to slow down slightly and setup a clean line than to go out of control and risk careening into exploding crates, especially if you want to hit boost arrows.
The normal crates fill up your boost meter, so run over as many as you can, and strategically save some for later laps in the race - you might need them to top off your boost.
Doing tricks in the air also fills up your boost meter. When you get big air do as many tricks as you can, but give yourself time to land cleanly otherwise you'll lose speed.