What Is Money? A Look at its History & Meaning

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What is money? Real Visionaries returns with fan-favorite Lyn Alden, to explore how our thoughts about money change over time; how monetary systems are structured; and how cultural shifts have defined its meaning. Luke Gromen, Meltem Demirors, and Jared Dillian lend their voices to these fundamental yet illuminating discussions grounded in history, psychology, and perception. Check out Real Visionaries throughout the week to catch each episode. Recorded on October 29, 2021.

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What Is Money? A Look at its History & Meaning

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Рекомендации по теме

Lyn is a macro heavy weight, nice to see she’s putting together a crew.


I found Lyn two years ago, and knew she was an absolute gem. Her influence and twitter followers have exploded since then.

She gives me a contrarian vibe, and now I am starting to worry I'm not being contrarian enough 😉


Lyn always brings that heat. Lovely insight.


Lyn Rocks !!!
I cannot get enough of Lyn
Thank You for bringing Lyn to us.


What will it take to have Lyn have a run for the "Comptroller of the Currency" position?


Which membership is needed to watch this series?


Love Lynn. Very eloquent and clearly extremely rational.


Will the rest of this interview be released?


One of my go to people to develop my knowledge base on a variety of financial issues 🙏😊


The most fascinating woman since a long time.


Money is gold everything else is credit as somebody famous said about 115 years ago.


I respect Lyn's mind. No ego. She acknowledges her own strengths and the strengths of others. She is very pragmatic and open-minded.


May I suggest adding Jeff Snider and Eric Basmajian to the line up? Should be interesting to also hear the arguments for deflation.


I'm surprised gold is still at low levels.


How do you do a Price to FCFE analysis on Bitcon? Price = present value of future cash flows, ok, but Gold has utility, and it costs money to get it out of the ground. You're better off forecasting how many Billionaires are being disappeared, that seems to goose the price of Bitcon.


She's one of the best. And she's not a whining, cancel culture liberal. :)


Silver originally, then gold became the basis for money, no counter party risk, everything else are derivatives.
I also looked into bitcoin and decided no, as other coins would upsurp it, in usage and transactional speeds etc
What we truly need is the choice to decide what we want to be our currency, government are not the best at looking after currencies, as we can see with their spending bills. 6000 fiat currencies all destroyed by over supply. Hence bitcoins success. Government hate the words constraint when it comes to their plans.
We need competition and that's exactly what is happening, however, how long will bitcoin be allowed to move, if these governments decide to go digital- CBD's that's what people suggest and their white papers, so will they ban bitcoin?


Money = 'neutral scarcity' + network effects

Money's value = 'neutral scarcity' + network effects + trust


I just made my first $20, 000 in cryptocurrency I'm so glad I'm gonna have a successful retirement.


An awful lot of yap with very little substance. C'mon you guys, get some informed guests rather than the first gal who I thought was applying for a job telling of her credentials. Y...a....w....n.... !
