10 Real Cases of Time Travel That Can’t Be Explained

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Do you know this time travel stories? Time travel is one of the most fascinating ideas that has ever graced humanity. The ability to contemplate the future or the past arouses a lot of interest in all of us. A journey through time, either into the future or ancient times, may give us an idea bout what life was like for our ancestors or future generations. A look back into the past could also help to unravel many mysteries that have plagued humanity as a whole.

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Why can’t you keep the pictures associated with the story on screen longer? Because you have multiple different things going on in one story


Can we see the pictures of the narration instead of unrelated movie clips please?


i would like to give you some constuctive criticism, your vid's are very confusing (visually) and your information is not always very accurate, but i like what you are trying to do! keep going !!!


Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view!"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment?


I agree with other comments here about staying focused on the subject matter that you are speaking about. Stay focused on the picture, zoom in, don't jump around to other unrelated photos.


Can you please STOP assuming that people from the future are using mobile phones in the past? Who would they call if they are the only ones to have such a device? And how can they possibly make calls if there isn't any infrastructure of cells repeating towers? Has the whole phone towers network time travelled with them? The guy in the photo happened to bring his hand towards his ear for a possible multiple variety of reasons, but surely not to make a phone call.


You can see the past but you cannot travel to the past.
You cannot see the future but you can travel to the future.
Once in the future it becomes your present and so you cannot come back to talk about it (past).
So, stop wasting your time and focus on what is poosible.


awesome content The Unknown List. I smashed that thumbs up on your video. Always keep up the superb work.


Too much fluff, quick cuts and stock footage. Show actual photos longer concentrate on the actual subject matter .


First pic of the man standing by the store... Pause it and take a good look. To me... There is a man next to him with a wide brim hat who's reflection is there, looks like he was touching his face when the pic was taken... also the arm that's up the sleeve seems to be darker like the next to him coat.


The story of sergei ponomarenko makes me believe that time travel exist.. his from the year 1958 and travelled in 2006.


No mobile phone cell network in 1943. Was a portable radio available for a least a decade before.


I’d be really have to scratch my head if a man in a space suit showed up in a Renaissance painting…there are UFO’ s in some of those paintings.


You need mobile phone towers and satellites to use mobile phones if you traveled back in time, and the guy with the monogram shirt, is nothing more than a letterman’s shirt from playing sports in college or high school, if time travel was real, don’t you think those that hated Trump so much wouldn’t have went back to change history ? We wouldn’t have known because time would have been changed, but it wasn’t and isn’t possible that’s why it didn’t happen. Or they would’ve went back to stop hitler from doing what he did or JFK being killed, and even MLK being killed, even Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley, so many people that we wished would not have died would still be able to live on if time travel was real. This country and world would be totally different even if just a handful of people could time travel. And we would know about it by now if it was real because something like that wouldn’t stay secret that long if it were real. That’s just my thoughts and opinions on time travel. It would be awesome but to me it’s not real


How would a cell phone work given back then there were no satellites?


Yes show the picture longer instead of just a second


Leroy found a portal on the back side of that ridge in the backwoods of Kentucky.


Smart phones can't function without telecommunication towers and there should be someone you must talk to. in this case the guy looks like that he is trying to feel tik tok in a mini clock.


I totally definitely believe in time travel I believe that I have time traveled and I've been disabled since a baby and I use a wheelchair


In 1926 Nikola Tesla wrote a magazine article on what life in the future would be like. He said there will be wireless telephones that will be small enough to carry in your pocket. You will be able to call anyone in the world with them. This was a very long time before smartphones would exist. All the other predictions he made in the article were false.
In that picture it looks like he might be holding a smart phone, but we can't be sure.
