Peter Roselle: Why Apostles & Prophets Need Each Other (2 Kings 3:15)

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Peter Roselle: Why Apostles & Prophets Need Each Other (2 Kings 3:15)
Peter spoke at the We Prophesy! Northeast gathering on January 22, 2022, at King of Kings Worship Center in Basking Ridge, NJ.

Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.” Apostle and prophet are brought out as the foundation.
The greatest title is servant.
John Wimber used to say if they invited him
to a conference like this what title should we give you?
Are you Pastor John or evangelist?
He said, "How about epistle?"
How about, "I'm striving to live my life
like somebody that looks at me and sees an open epistle read by all men."
We try to find who God made us to be, and we grow into who he called us to be.
What an apostle does, like Paul, is look at people and he see what God sees.
We need the prophets to see into the future, to see things that are hard to describe.
The apostle hears that and says, how do we get there?
How do we execute on that vision?
How do we ignore all the naysayers?
Because you know, we got two sides,
The brain has two hemispheres.
Which one looks like the religious spirit? (Left hemisphere)
The left hemisphere is important because it makes the final decisions.
The right side is where the prophet would be - full of color, not black and white.
Prophets are always seeing things, even when they don't know exactly what they are seeing.
So come back down to earth; but keep going with your vision.
Be grounded in the word; but keep believing God for what you need to see.
And if the apostle doesn't have the visionary, we know what that says in the Bible,
that the letter of the law kills.
How many have been in that experience?
But the Spirit of God gives life.
So, here's the son.
Jesus is the son.
He's the perfect image of that combination of both.
He walks up to a woman at the well,
I don't think he knew he was going to meet her that morning.
And instead of just saying, you know what?
The Lord just showed me.
My father just showed me that you are in sin.
You're living with somebody who's not your husband
and you've had five husbands.
You better repent.
Today's your lucky day, you met me
a religious Christian who's condemning you right now.
What did He do?
He started talking to her and she was shocked! Why would he talk to me?
He's a Jew and I'm a woman and I'm a Samaritan.
It's because he loved her.
And he got into a relationship with her first
and then, let's say he dropped the bomb.
She says, "I perceive you are a prophet."
But he didn't do it in a condemning way.
I can give you so many more examples of that but,
I think we're trying to live with that blending
of these two amazing gifts together.
I'm just going quickly here because of my time.

The movie Sully was called, “the miracle on the Hudson River.”
But if you watch the movie, in this scene he is on trial,
about to lose his pilot's license.
The insurance company brought them to court and said,
"You could have made it back.
You could have made it to Teterboro
or you could have made it to LaGuardia."
And they did their simulations
and you're in the courtroom scene
and it looks like the first time you see it,
it's like, man, they got this guy I can't believe it.
He could have made it back.
And then he said, in this great scene.
He just leans forward and he says,
"Can we get serious now?"
And then he starts rattling off the facts.
He says, "We were at 2,800 feet, we lost both engines.
This has never been trained for.
In the history of all aviation,
nobody's ever done this with a full load of 155 people.
You've given me no time in your simulation
to think about what just happened
and that we're all going to die."
He said, "How many times did the pilots
get to practice before they landed perfectly
at those two airports?”
And the lady kind of sheepishly says, "17?"
"17 times, you had to practice.”
I had no time to practice; 208 seconds from the time
the birds hit the engines until he was on the water on the Hudson River."
If he had looked in the manual, they would have crashed.
He had a second nature, he was so tuned in to what he had to do.
He stopped actually thinking about it
and he acted in the prophetic,
that second nature kicked in and he moved forward.
He said, "You've neglected the human factor.
You ran your simulation, but life is not a simulation."
So, anybody dealing with a religious spirit here,
just don't neglect the human factor
and cut people some slack.

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