Peter Roselle: My Food is to Do the Will of Him Who Sent Me (John 4:34)

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Peter Roselle: My Food is to Do the Will of Him Who Sent Me (John 4:34)
John 4:34 (TPT) says, “Then Jesus spoke up and said, “My food is to be doing the will of him who sent me and bring it to completion.” Do we suffer from the sin of prayerlessness? Samuel said to Israel, "You've asked for a King but far be it for me, that I would sin by ceasing to pray for you." (1 Samuel 12:23) I am NOT going to let my spiritual immune system be weakened in any way. The devil's a liar, and he wants to get you to dine on his food. But we dine on the truth of the Word of God.

Be blessed.
Remember: you have been “blessed to be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2)
Pay it forward!

We'd like to agree with you in prayer and offer whatever assistance we can provide.

I just want to just acknowledge that for nine months we've been in lockdown in that you know people have been stressing over this. Jesus is the release of that stress, and prayer is a release of that stress and fasting, and spending time before the Lord. You can say, “I know I've been in a bit of an emotional frenzy over so many different things that seem unfair to me. I might be more vulnerable than normal to the attacks of the enemy, but I am NOT going to let my spiritual immune system be weakened in any way. The enemy wants to get you to dine on his food. But we dine on the truth of the Word of God. Jesus said, "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me." (John 4:34)

We have that same mission you know that, right? Whenever the lie looks a little tempting, you need counter it with the truth. We're refusing to dine with The Father of Lies, that's the name that Jesus gave the devil. The father of lies. And the New Testament tells us in James that, "God is the father of lights." I'd rather follow the Father of lights than lies. The Pharisees and the religious people are painted by Jesus as being in the wrong camp. He's speaking to them when He says, “You are listening to your Father, the devil, these are the religious people. That should be a real eye-opener for us as the church, right? If we expect the culture to change the judgment has to begin in the house of the Lord. (1 Peter 4:17)

We need to keep on praying for America - more now than ever. Don’t say, “It's not turning out the way I wanted.” We need to always be praying for the country. If we're sober-minded and we stay focused - I've been fasting a lot more in the last few months than I ever have in my life - and the Lord has been speaking to me. When I get up here on a Sunday morning, I believe He wants to give us a specific Word of the Lord - for today - for us - for this church – and fasting, praying and spending time on our knees allows us to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly.

Do we suffer from the sin of prayerlessness? Samuel said to Israel, "You've asked for a King but far be it for me, that I would sin by ceasing to pray for you." (1 Samuel 12:23)

The culture looks bad right now, but the church has always flourished when the culture was going in the toilet, because that's when the light shines. The Bible says, in Romans 5:20, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more." That is who we're supposed to be – shining lights of abounding grace. The darker the culture gets the brighter the light of the Body of Christ shines. Jesus speaking to the Pharisees in John 8:37, "You are descendants of Abraham." They were measuring their status by the fact that they were descendants of Abraham. "But here you are plotting to murder me because you don't welcome my voice into your lives." Many of the people that you disagree with don't welcome the voice of God into their lives.

Psalm 2:1 (Voice)
“What has provoked the nations to embrace anger and chaos? Why are the people making plans to pursue their own vacant and empty greatness?”

As soon as God suggests we may benefit from drawing boundaries on our behavior it throws unbelievers into anger and chaos. It goes on to say:

Psalm 2:2-3 (Voice)
“Rulers put their heads together, plotting against the Eternal One and His Anointed King, trying to figure out how they can throw off the gentle reign of God’s love, step out from under the restrictions of His claims to advance their own schemes.”

Whenever local stronghold is being challenged and threatened, the first thing it wants to do is take out the competition. Instead of saying, I need to “humble myself under the mighty hand of God” (1 Peter 5:6).

The boundaries God draws on our lives are for our good. We don't have the ability in our own strength to control our appetites. And I don't mean just food appetites - I mean sexual appetites and spending appetites as well. Galatians 5:23 lists self-control as fruit of the Holy Spirit.
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Holy Father THANK YOU giving US ALL all Joel 2 Holy Prophetical Dreams & Visions...Our your Holy Spirit over us Abundantly in Jesus Yeshua Hamashiac Holy Name I pray 💥


I loosen the word of john 4:34, asking God what his will is for my life, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!


💥 Holy Lord God Almighty, I Plead & apply The Holy Blood of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiac, Son of Mary & Joseph, Of Holy Virgin Birth, Born in Bethlehem, a Nazarite over all of this king of kings utube Prayer Group


I chose to stand on God's Word and nothing else


🌟 Holy Father & Jesus Yeshua, I petition for HEDGES OF THORNS (HOSEA 2:6, 7) & Walls of Fire ( Zechariah 2:5) around *Every person praying WITH king of kings utube* today. Give us Prayer STRATEGY to pray today...
