Do I Have High Functioning Depression?

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Hi I'm Dr. Julie subscribe & follow me for lots more videos on mental health and psychology.
For more on this see my new no.1 bestselling book - Why has nobody told me this before?


Oh, I told everyone. They didn't believe me. Then when I got to the "can't get out of bed" stage, they still didn't believe me and called me a leech. I got a new everyone.


It’s not really the shame of being depressed, it’s the fact that whether you tell someone or not, those expectations of you won’t change because you’ve been “high-functioning” all this time.


As someone who my brother quoted to his therapist saying, "Well life isn't supposed to be fun. It's just getting through the day, every day, until one day it's finally over" when I was 16.. yeah... Been feeling this my whole life.


This was done beatifully. I have dealt with depression for the last 8 years or so. Even on my most depressed days, I have to pick myself up and move on with the day because I cant tell anyone im suffering


this hits hard, i understand how it feels to have depression where i’m still almost forced to complete tasks as normal


Sometimes, it's not shame, you want to talk about it, but you are so neglected that no one really cares, but you have responsibilities like kids, a job etc, so you just go on with life in some auto pilot mode while crumbling inside


This made me cry. I've tried to tell my mom that it feels like i'm putting on a mask whenever I go out, because I dress up, look after myself and make myself look good because i'm almost constantly afraid of being judged. I was doing well mentally but at the start of this year, I just completely turnt into a wreck, and i've still been 'high-functioning', but inside I get even more hopeless and I just want to give up. It feels like everyone in my family at my age is way ahead of me, and I just feel like such a loser and that they're constantly judging me. They don't know what I experience, I have to keep things secret, and only my mom knows but she struggles to understand.


Suddenly my eyes become teary..she told the words which I couldn't pick up from the emotions of mine .... it's like I couldn't give a term to what I'm feeling lately ... atleast someone said it, thank you


High functioning depression is when you show everyone your ok even though when your alone you just wanna die or gwt out of wherever you are. They see the smiles you put on for them, not the scars or open wounds whether physical or emotional. Then you feel trapped and silenced. It's all too familiar.


Too true!!! I've been told "you can't be depressed!! You're always smiling and happy!" 😢


I have been suffering from depression for many years since my parents divorced. It's just that when I knew I needed therapy and had to go see therapist. My parents especially my dad told me

"You are not depressed. Mental health doesn't exist".

Worst part was that he made me READ clinical articles just for him to justify and manipulate me saying that I don't have these symptoms. That is why I told myself I will stand by my ground and NEVER be a victim to people's words EVER AGAIN!!


I have two people in my head, original and unnamed, the original is my trauma, my flaws, my depression, my anxiety, my anger and my frustration. Unnamed is the part of me that I show everyday, so original only comes out when I’m alone or when it’s night time


the worst part of it is when no one believes you even when you're being brave enough to speak up about it to your closest people. it absolutely hurts.


Trying to explain this to people around me, for years so I don't bother any more. Thank you for your video. Truly appreciate your content.


I learned very recently thru therapy that this is the kind of depression that I have... It's strange to understand it now but learning really is the first step to healing


I lost my two dogs this year.
They were my rock, and the reason for existence.
Everything makes me cry. Ive been in this MDD episode for months.
Some how I am holding down 2 jobs, and eatting properly.
But sometime soon, its all going to give.
To anyone else fighting this battle, know your not alone. We will get through this.


I always saw depression portrayed as not being able to get out of bed. Now looking back at myself in high school, I was the worst I’ve ever been mentally, but kept telling myself “o you’re not as bad as what depression is supposed to be”. If you do not feel like how you’re feeling is normal, do not accept it as normal 💜


I can’t work anymore, I don’t trust people anymore..


It took me hearing voices in my head
calling my name constantly for months for me to realise that being a straight A student was breaking me from the inside and to finally admit that I might have a problem. On the flipside, it also took me partly destroying my perfect life and refusing to get out of bed for weeks for my family to finally admit that I might have a problem and allow me to see a psychiatrist.
