SLiMED in NYC with Adley Niko & Navey! visiting SlooMoo! Eating Big Pizza! making slime as a Family

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Exploring Fun things a Family can do in NYC 🗽

Best Adventure Day Ever 1375

Good morning from New York City!! We are getting ready, doing our morning routine, this time in a hotel room where we have a mini family fashion show. We are excited to go explore the city and have another Best Day Ever! Adley, Niko Bear, and Navey love running down the halls of a hotel. This time Navey wants Adley to be her horsey, so Adley puts her jacket round her waist and Navey holds on as they pretend play to gallop down the hall.

We need to find some breakfast, so we start walking down the streets of the city. Niko is loving all the pigeons and the taxi’s, Adley is so intrigued by the stickers everywhere, and Navey’s favorite new game is only stepping on the white parts of the cross walks lol! We find a donut place and its amazing. The food is great and exactly what we need to get our morning started before we head off to Sloomoo. It’s a slime factory that we heard is amazing and we can’t wait to check it out, cause the kiddos love playing with slime as well as making it while doing arts and crafts!!

We get there and immediately it looks fun. They have mannequins hanging upside down from the ceiling. We get to play with slime, add some to a wall that has slime on it for years, we even get to put slime in a giant slingshot and shoot it at each other. They have an obby that Adley and Niko can’t wait to run around and play on, cause it’s basically Roblox in real life with the slime. Then we get to the best part, getting slime dumped on the family. Adley and Niko Bear go first, getting tons of slime poured on their head. It’s then Jenny and Navey’s turn. Navey is so brave and give it a try. At first she’s not quite sure what to think, but after she is all smiles.

Back at our hotel, we take a quick break and recharge with nap time. Then its back on the streets!! Adley and niko find some pigeons to chase while Navey is learning the ins and outs of cross walk signs. We go see The Rink At Rockefeller Center, where people can ice skate in front of a Christmas tree when it’s winter time. We then head to the Nintendo store for a video game party we got invited to. Nintendo just released a new game that is all about Peach called Princess Peach: Showtime! Navey loves Peach so she is super excited to find her and say hi! We get to hang out with Peach for a little while, before we keep exploring the store. Looking at really cool statues of Mario and Bowser. The kiddos even get to play the new game for a little while. Navey loves it!! While we are there, we found a giant puzzle. With a little help, we put it together and its a giant Princess Peach picture.

Once the party ends, we are back out on the streets exploring. It’s the kiddos very first time here, so we want to make sure we see as much as we can. We get in these awesome bike taxis. The girls in one and the boys in another, and we decide to head to Time Square! It’s a party with music bumping as we ride. We get to see a lot of the city, tons of taxies and loads of people!! We get to time square and i forgot how crazy it is. Very first thing we see is Spider Man and Bumble Bee from the Transformers movies! We head over to the red steps so we could capture a picture to help us remember this memory. While we are there, a street show starts and we decide to watch! It’s some guys break dancing and doing acrobatic moves. Trav from our spacestation crew who is with us, gets pulled into the show to one of the guys can do a flip over him! It’s crazy!!

Speaking of crazy, we go to grab some New York pizza for dinner and the kiddos are nuts!! They are laughing making weird sounds, Adley is feeding Navey like a baby, and Niko is making everyone laugh with his silly words! What an amazing trip and Best Day Ever!!

Watch Adley's last video: MAKiNG RAiNBOW SLiME with Adley Navey and Niko at Sloomoo in NYC!! Family Vacation in the Big City

Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: CRAZY TRAVEL DAY with our FAMiLY!! our First Time visiting NYC with Adley Navey & Niko, fun vacation

Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!

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