Webinar: Scenario Planning with Consulting Matrix

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Co-presented with the Ontario Association of Art Galleries

In this time of extreme uncertainty, scenario planning offers a methodology for thinking about what might happen so that organizations can prepare for a range of possibilities. Usually, when we plan for the future, we have a pretty good idea of what the world looks like: our purpose, our facility, our collection, our funding, our employees, our visitors are all at least somewhat predictable. The pandemic, social distancing and the resulting economic impacts, and the demands for true social change all require us to set aside those predictions and assumptions.

Judy Wolfe and Karen Wishart of Consulting Matrix facilitate a small group of sector leaders while other participants observe the process. Observing participants ask questions of the panelists as they work through the agenda and scenario planning.

Demetra Christakos, Art Gallery of Sudbury
Alexander Gates, Canadian Automotive Museum
Brian Meehan, Museum London
Janis Monture, Woodland Cultural Centre


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Ontario Museum Association (OMA)
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