Tory leadership debate: Key moments from Truss and Sunak head-to-head

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Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak went head-to-head in the latest Tory leadership debate, clashing on how to deal with the cost-of-living crisis, Boris Johnson, and each other's clothing.

Highlights included Truss labelling the former chancellor's words of warning regarding money borrowing as "project fear," after Sunak accused the foreign secretary of burdening future generations with debt.

Ms Truss claimed she was "teenage eco warrior", while Sunak said he "wasn't born this way" in response to Nadine Dorries' mocking of his expensive clothes, adding that his family emigrated to the UK 60 years ago.

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Sounds like all his jobs were handed to him


The Hypocrisy of claiming that these are, by any-stretch-of-the-imagination, publicly chosen Figures is glaring red hot.


"Let me tell you all the things that I will do to fix all the things that are wrong with the country that are in no way due to 12 years of Tory governments that we've been a part of." - either of them


Sunak annoyed the hell out of me constantly interrupting like a uneducated maniac. This debate was to get to know each other's plans, not to squabble.


My Goodness is this all they've got?


"I like saving money..."

She may like saving her OWN money, but she has no problem at all spending taxpayer money. Anyone fancy a £3000 meal? What about a half a million pound trip to Australia on the Johnson jet?


Liz always comes across like a supply teacher. It's like she radiates a lack of confidence.


Shut up Richie and allow Her to have Her say - We all remember only too well 8 or 9 years of Tory Austerity and We are all capable of seeing where You would have stood! Manners Old Boy!


God help the UK when this is the best the Tories can find. What a pair. Puerile level of "debate" with Liz in her Thatcher Halloween outfit and Rishi mansplaining for an hour at triple speed- was he chemically enhanced? A sting of sound bites and the same old tropes.


That last sentence from Sunak was cringe worthy


Sunak, the architect of hyper inflation and an inter-generational debt pile has the front to single out £40 billion. Made me laugh.


It's all rhetoric as per usual...

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson member of World Economy Forum (WEF) resigns.  

Rishi Sunak recently resigned. Is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF). On a young leadership program he received a scholarship from them. He was place in varied positions of power, such as banks, were he worked his way up.

Sajid Javid, a member of the WEF. Former director of Deutch Bank as head of global trading. 

Liz Truss, who appeared out of nowhere. Is a member of the WEF.

George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt, members of the WEF.

Which ever way you look at it. We will end up with WEF members taking seat at No10. It will be the same coin, with two different sides.

This is no coincidence this is happening. It is all by design and you would have be very short sighted to not connect the dots.

I find this very concerning when you look at what the WEF are pushing. 

In addition, several political figures have gone through the WEF Young Global Leaders (“YGL”) program, namely Tony Blair (1993), Gordon Brown (1993), Ed Balls (2005), Yvette Cooper (2005) David Cameron (2006), Shami Chakrabarti (2006), Kate Garvey (2007), Douglas Alexander (2007), Brendan Cox (2012), Chuka Umunna (2012), and Lord Nat Wei Min (2013).  Research suggests that the YGLs program is a five-year indoctrination into the WEF principles with the goal being the creation of world leaders who do not answer to the people, but rather to the WEF. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, said in 2017, “What we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our young global leaders.”


The key moments last 2 minutes. It must have been a bore fest to have watched it in its entirety.


Sunak, listen.. you are jumping into her reply... If you can't here then how will you listen to people..


At this point "conservative" means absolutely jackshit in the UK


Why is Rishi accused of Mansplaining but Truss refusing to apologise for comments on Rishi's dress and background and pointing her finger at Rishi during the debate not being commented on? Also, Liz Truss called comprehensive schools and their teachers rubbish?! As a comprehensive school educated, I am offended.

Are most conservatives including Boris Johnson not private school educated? So why is Sunak being targeted by Truss on this point?
Sunak is the wrong colour and religion for Britain.
The entitlement as a private school educated that Sunak is being accused of must be addressed head on - it has to be explicit that he was not born with a silver spoon and despite being a ethnic minority ( who do not have the same opportunities as their white counterparts) his parents worked hard and earned enough to put Sunak through private school. Also, Sunak's parents prioritised their children's education over everything else and went without/sacrificed a lot themselves to ensure a better future for their children - this must be explicit from Sunak's camp.


I can’t get over how awful these two are. Britain deserves so much better.


Liz is like 😴
Starmer will destroy at PMQ`s


Sunak reckons he isn't from a privaleged background. His parents sent him to Winchester.

Get real!


Why is Stu not allowed to bully Liz and get away with it and nobody say nothing
