Messages in Stone: Runic Carvings in North America and Oklahoma | Mark Kinders | TEDxUCO

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Oklahoma hosts one of the largest concentrations of carved Runic artifacts in North America. More than 6,000 Runes are found worldwide, and present a history of Scandinavian life and exploration in the Medieval Age. This TedX lecture explores scholarly efforts to determine the authenticity of North American and Oklahoman stones, and popular television entertainment programs and corporate efforts to capitalize on a different story line.

Mark Kinders is the Vice President of Public Affairs at UCO. In a private pursuit, he is the vice president of the American Association for Runic Studies. AARS investigates North American runes in affiliation with Uppsala University in Sweden, and the Swedish Council of America, and partners with the Smithsonian Institution and other universities. Kinders holds a master’s in history (University of Wisconsin-River Falls) and a doctorate in higher education (University of Arkansas).

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i wish these guys were able to open up their minds.


Video was recommended to me by a friend. I’m experiencing this art for the first time, amazing how ancient America has gone unnoticed for so long!


There are ancient Monoliths that we now know are over 10, 000 years old in karnak, including dams, 1, 000 ton alibaster moved from turkey to Karnak Egypt 10, 000 years ago.


07:54 "the 8th century before the Scandinavinas had seafareing technology". This "expert" does not know that vikings raided the monestery of Lindsfrne in Northhumberlannd in the year 793.


"How are all y'alls?" is not Texas vernacular as far as I've ever heard it!


I once found a wood flatten stick buried next to a riverbed by the Chippewa River in Eau Claore, WI with carvings in it when I was 8 or 9 along with my brother. It had various symbols on it and resembled a boomerang in a way. I don't remember them all the carvings, but I remember seeing one that looked like an eye and for the limited knowledge of my age, I thought they looked like Egyptian symbols. Now, in retrospective, I realize that that what we found was most likely an Native American wooden artifact that was preserved by the Riverbed.

I don't know whatever happened to it, we brought over to our friend's house and showed his stepdad what we found. He told us that was most likely fake, like as if he were some expert, and that someome probably carved it as a hobby and left down there in the woods. Perhaps he ended up holding on to it. All that I know is that it is a memory that stuck with me.

What do you guys think it could have been? I am super curious.

The closest think that I managed come by as an explanation was that it was an docorative axe or tomahawk handle, but I genuinely do not know. Perhaps it was even Viking in origins.


"Extremely rare, but not uncommon"


Why are all of these artefacts assumed to be Scandinavian runes? The Kensington stone looked more like Coelbren (British/Cymraeg) which ties in with the recorded journey of Prince Madoc circa 570. Lee Pennington of the Kentucky Historical Society has been studying this for decades. See also Britain's Hidden History which has tons of information based on authentic written records and archaeological evidence.


99% of all experts come out of university. That's not nessasary a good or, bad thing.
The danger is, when these experts start to believe they are experts!!!


Very interesting but he attacks Scott Wolf for some silly mistake but refuses to bring up the proven crystalian erosion. And for Kinders to claim Scandinavians did not have seafaring skills in the 700s is laughable at best.


The Iron age in Scandinavia had massive boats...


A GIFT FROM THE GODS OF INHERITED LAND. I have been studying runes for a while


its a fact. vikings travelled far n wide.


How do we tell an ancient script from another? Many symbols are the same. My artefact could be Norse, Turckic, Mediterainian or ???. All I know is the "charactor" was impressed before the stone solidified.


The fact that you work with the Smithsonian instantly discredits you sir!


Turley Rune Stone is Real, I’m afraid he’s mistaken.


Once a myth becomes established, it's almost impossible to correct it.


The same could be said for the Universities stand point, were as we could say is taking a position with mainstream archeology who are trying to debunk Geologist who study in a separate field of expertise. It is so often we find that archeologist misrepresent facts, and misconstrue time periods of construction that whole cultures are lost from history, simply because they don't conform to pseudoarcheology and the producers way of thinking. The presentation of iconography in objects like Oreo cookies is no reason to suggest that these people of America Unearthed are not Legitimate... I would call the speech just a platform used to attack some group or someone you were afraid of....


had a dream about the runes alphabet, did not thinbk it was real till i did a google search..kinda lost as to why I would dream of this subject....


Sad only a few dozen people attended. Fantastic analysis. I found this checking out the State of Georgia’s (probable) Mayan ruins.
