I should have believed the comments.... #shorts #labor #pregnancy

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How I Induced Labor Naturally (At Home!) 👇🏼

Over 1 MILLION of you have tried out our labor-inducing workout -- and reading the comments makes me SO HAPPY!

This was a workout we filmed at the very end of my last pregnancy to support other mamas - and I'm so glad it's worked for so many of you!

• “Did this workout 3 times in one day at 39+ weeks, contractions started at 9 that night, continued on and off until 3am when my water broke, got to the hospital by 5am and had my baby by 11. Hang in there ladies 😉” -- Laura B.

• “I did this workout at 38w5d around lunchtime...By that same evening I started having contractions and baby boy was born next morning!! Labor progressed quickly and baby boy was born 18 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. Only thing I did to try to help induce labor was this workout! I would say this definitely worked for me 🥰” - Mindy P.

• “I did this workout for two days in a row and yesterday about two hours after I had the thought “dang that workout video didn’t work for me” I went into labor! Birthed a 10.5 pound baby at 3 am on Halloween. Glory to God!” - Mother P

❤️Just noting here that every mama, every baby and every pregnancy is SO DIFFERENT. These are some exercises designed to help mama and baby get into alignment before birth, but of course check with your doctor or midwife about your specific experience and what’s appropriate for you!

👇🏼I WANT TO KNOW: mamas - when did your babies decide to make their appearances? Was it at 40 weeks, earlier or later?

labor inducing workout | how to induce labor | how to naturally induce labor
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I bent over to try and touch my toes and my water broke instantly 😂


The curb walking worked for me! Went into labour 3 hours later!


I’m at 34 weeks and over it at this point. But I’m not rushing him. Maybe by 39 weeks I’ll serve him his eviction notice lol


Congratulations on everything. God bless


Reminds me of my second child...went on a long walk later at night, woke up in full blown labor at like 4 am!!! When we finally went to the hospital it was during rush hour and I almost had a baby on the highway! Be careful what you wish for gals🤔🤔


😂your belly is so perfectly round when it was up close I thought it was fake for a second until you backed up. You're absolutely beautiful!! mommas🙌


I did a deep clean of our car to be able to bring my youngest home in a fresh vehicle. I went into labor that night, while i was cleaning i got a sharp contraction that i knew was not a braxton hicks, they came steady and fast following that first one!! I was already scheduled to be induced the next day @39 weeks due to me being so small and my babies were always a big healthy size( i have a history of shoulder distolsia and requested no c section) . I got to the hospital and a bed was already waiting for me. However they did not expect me to arrive already im active labor 😂 congrats on your baby!! Beautiful!!!!


Yess! Went into labor 4 hours later on superbowl night 😂


My husba and I were separated, when I was 38 weeks pregnant. I was exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. One day, I decided to left my parents house and went to my house to clean and set up the house starting from top to the basement all by myself. Nothing was ready and I also wanted to keep my mind distracted, my baby came the same night. ❤


God made women’s bodies to do an incredible thing, bring forth life that forms in our womb. What an incredible privilege. Praise God for the work of hands and the little tiny humans in the womb right now ♥️


So my 6th baby was turned a bit and it caused labor to go a bit slow at first. My midwife laid me on my side, one leg straight and the other with my knee to my chest, just the way you are positioned before you step up. After a couple contractions he turned and was out in 2 hours. Thats why this movement and things like curb walking work. They drop the baby down into the pelvis and theyre turned appropriately for delivery. Chiropractic care also helps with this.


Congratulations! You have a beautiful pregnant belly!🤰💙


Been working out most days of the week...things are happening...but need more progress 🙏🙏


My mom had me out walking in all kinds of stores when I was in labor for our daughter.She was smart as it really brought my labor on.


Oh, my. You looked ready to POP. Congratulations! ❤


I saw this and just sent it and the longer version to my bestie, who just hit 37 weeks..


You’re beautiful! That pregnant belly is perfect and you’re ready to pop! Congratulations!🤰💙🩷♥️


I walked up a flight of stairs and gave birth 25 hrs later 😅


Thank goodness you ladies baby was ready to come and their lungs were mature! I had 2 premature births and would never do anything to induce my labors because of this!


Was dancing around doing my labor play list ( a month early) and little man wanted to hear the music in person lol was born 3 hours later.
