If I Could Choose Only One Recording By...HERBERT VON KARAJAN

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It would have to be...Honegger: Symphonies Nos. 2 and 3 "Liturgique"
Because these pieces lie squarely outside of Karajans' wheelhouse, and yet he still managed to turn in reference recordings of both.
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Bravo on the choice of the Honegger recording, it is fantastic, and a long time favorite!


Karajan re-recorded partially out of vanity, possibly, but largely because he was chasing - not entirely sanely- the perfect recorded sound. So as 'sonics' became ever more sophisticated, he felt compelled to have another go. And another....his pursuit of 'beauty' became an end in itself....


I bought that as an LP the day I left school in 1974. I still play it quite often (Albeit on The CD transcription) It's a wonderful recording of two wonderful symphonies!


Tom Stewart told me that when Karajan was in the pit, it was total magic and he felt free to do his best. He said the same about Horst Stein. But Karajan was '"IT" for him


I can only agree! That Honegger is right up there with his Prokofiev 5, Shostakovich 10 (the 2nd one), and his DG Sibelius 4.


Pretty great choice! My choice would be a tie between the Dvorak 8th and the Holst Planets with the Vienna Philharmonic. He did his best work with that orchestra.


I really enjoy his recording of "The Planets" with the Vienna Philharmonic from 1961. It doesn't have any of his usual technical fussing in the control room; the sound is great and the performance always gives me the impression that they were all playing a lovely new work to them that wasn't over-rehearsed.


Just bought it at Presto music. I could not resist Dave again.


The one I'd choose is the 1964 version of the Brahms Fourth Symphony. I couldn't care less how many times he recorded it. All of the versions are quite good and I could have chosen any one of them. But he is my favorite conductor of this piece, and the first movement in this particular recording brings me chills. Absolutely beautiful.


Couldn't agree more, though I would be hard pressed to choose between this and the Prokofiev 5th or the Second Viennese School box set.


Really solid choice. You've mentioned this here and in other videos, and I agree: Karajan saw himself as the champion of the Viennese tradition and recorded the Viennese masters until the studios were bludgeoning us with his discs. And in doing so he seemed to have lost the critical distance necessary to raise those recordings above the rest of the pack.
You add that Karajan's choral performances were "👐eeehhhmmmmnnn"--and you're not wrong. (Just listen to any of the Ninth recordings, where he seems not to know what to do with his chorus.) But I want to volunteer an oratorio recording for the Dark God. His Haydn Creation! The recording came out of nowhere--who would've expected Karajan to bring such a potent blend of good humor and profundity to this piece? And with the all-star lineup of Janowitz, Ludwig, F-D, Wunderlich, and Berry, even the recitatives are must-listens. The only comparable Karajan vocal recording is his equally surprising Cosi fan tutte, which shines with a lightness and joy hard to find in Karajan's Viennese recordings. (Though I'm an admitted heathen and also love his Tristan.) The Creation was certainly never neglected, and it's a work blessed with a plethora of great recordings. Yet Karajan's account is inspired as well as the definitive document of how his conducting brought out the best in players and singers.


I thought you might pick his Pelléas et Mélisande or another opera. I like Honegger’s symphonies a lot I’ll check this out. Congrats on 3000 videos & thank you so much.


Say what you like about Karajan, when i first started my Classical music journey there were a myriad of artists, composers and conductors on records, what better to grab the coat tails of one conductor and let him take you through the jungle of works, hundreds of which everybody was telling you were THE BEST, advisers loved to catch you out with obscure suggestions almost impossible to find. In latter years after visiting the Royal Albert Hall several times and becoming wiser about the landscape of Classical music and its inhabitants i still have a soft spot for the mighty K and still enjoy his work, and many other obscure and esoteric works and workers. (-:


I know you ruled out opera, but my favorite (and most frequently played) Karajan recording is Das Rheingold, and, yes, I know, some people can't stand DFD as Wotan (but I admire him).


I would have picked his Handel Concerti Grossi op. 6 - also outside his wheelhouse. And rarely has the love affaire between orchestra and conductor been more evident.


Yes, agreed. The Berg Lyric Suite and 3 pieces a close second.


I couldn't agree more. This is the only cd by Karajan that I play and revere. His soaring strings at the emotional climax of the 3rd's slow movement are sublimely transcendental


I think I first heard this album in 1997 and also my very first exposure to Honegger. I definitely remember it being extremely compelling and mysterious. I've only heard the Dutoit and Jansons CDs but just listen to Karajan when I want to hear the works.


Your choice was certainly one of the recordings I had selected, but there are others, like the Prokofiev 5th and the Bruckner 8th with the Vienna Phil. I also have a soft spot for his Vienna Phil./Decca "Planets", even though I know he rerecorded it with the Berlin Phil on DGG.


Will check out the Honegger. (I have now listened to the Honegger. These are masterful, gripping performances of the Second and Third Symphonies.)

My choice is Karajan's Berlin recording of Mahler 4. The beauty of both the string playing and the soloist's singing take my breath away. Am I a sucker for the "treatment?" Perhaps.
