963. Vasco

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My PO Box is: Leland Sklar
PO Box 92316
600 Lincoln Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91109-9998
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L.A. music 101, with your professor Leland Skylar!


Lee as WE always we say to you our dear BROTHER FROM ANOTHER CHannel Your If you just gives us songs and do not play but give us your Music appreciation class is what I think All of your great videos are...we learn so much. Love your insider knowledge and just enjoying with us. But if you play any day you decide to...ADDED Thanks for whatever you do we all appreciate it so much!!!! Go get em
You saved a lot us during this miserable COVID change of AMERICA times! You have given us a warm cozy place to relax and keep us sane with great THANKS ALWAYS


I remember that last video featuring VR. What a tremendous artist! Your memories of and commentary on your mom are always so deeply touching. Again, I can imagine how proud she must have been and must still be - even of what you've done here for us over the past couple of years, let alone all that you've accomplished over the course of your entire career. Hope you had a great day yesterday in the studio and otherwise.


I'm happy for you to continue showing these artists I've never heard. No need to play.


my mom used to make me put in a collect call to my dog Kelly and she would say "sorry his is not here"--it was so she knew I had arrived safely. I sure miss my mom. I love this artist. I have to hear more.


I often trawl through YT, and the number of times i see you on the bandstand at live gigs like the Grammys etc etc, is incredible, even when the bandstand isn’t lit up, i know its you because i can see the beard…


Congrats to your mom for creating such a remarkably fine son!🙂


I sure enjoyed hearing about your mom. Thank you and blessings to you and yours.


I am forever in awe of you Leland, and now to learn, you are also a legend of Italo-rock that I wasn't even aware of!


As an Italian guy I've never been into Vasco a lot but man, you and Vinnie colaiuta...wow!!! Great rock tracks 😍😍😍 Best Italian artist ever in my opinion: Elio e Le Storie Tese. They played with James Taylor too, there are a bunch of videos here on YouTube, highly recommended ❤️🔥


Happy Mother's Day to your wife from the boys/doggies... They old me to give mom their love and Mother's Day wishes...

I can't call my mom either. 😌 She's looking down on us and smiling!!!

Happy Sunday and enjoy your studio time today!!


Great show today and we got a new puppy today!!!! Happy Mother’s Day everybody out there in Lee Land!


play? don't play? no matter. You're a Legend, if you feel like talkin' I feel like listening.


I always so enjoy watching your videos Lee. I've been crazy busy, haven't been to the Clubhouse in months, but whenever I have down time, watching your videos is how I spend it. Thank you for all you bring us,


Wow!! This was nice!!! This is such a wonderful artist and thanks for educating me on the workings of Vasco, Lee!!


Thank you Leland, have not heard of this grainy voiced Italian artist previously❣️. Lovely music, will be sure to investigate further, nice offering for Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all the other ladies out there, whether you are considered mom to pets, or human, adopted, birthed, you are ALL fabulous🌹💖
You are a gift Leland and I thank you for your visits everyday. 💞Hugs and have a fun day.
Peace for the Ukrainian people 💪💙☮️💛🇺🇦
Thank you Frontline workers 👏
Please stay safe everyone 🤗 and have a great rest of your Sunday👍😉✌️☀️😷Lynne


Happy Mother's day evening. 💖🌸
Enjoyed this Vasco❣️


Hi Lee and all! I hope you don't mind if I hijack your channel for a second. I just went to the Jackson Browne and James Taylor concert in Calgary, Canada. If any of you have a chance to see the show you should definitely check it out. As an ex-professional drummer the highlight for me was seeing/hearing Mr. Steve Gadd on drums. He should be on everyone's musician bucketlist. Also, someone Lee has mentioned many times on this channel, Arnold McCuller was with J.T. on BG vocals. And now please return to your regular scheduled programming!


Mononymously (mono = one or singular) - relates to being known with a singular name, e.g. "Prince" or "Enya", "Madonna", etc. Great submissions today, as always! Another new artist to research! You have, I will say again, had a fantastic series of opportunities over the years! Fantastic! By the way, it would appear your mom had a good and thoughtful son! Peace!!


Evening Lee and all
Greetings from Huesca, Espania
Cheers Barry🏍🏍🎸
