DevOps: Jenkins job to merge testing branch in master
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Scenario: In deployment, It's very common approach to merge a featured branch into master branch.
A featured branch is nothing special but just a branch which is used to create a new feature/module/task. and when all coding stuff is done, we want to deploy it to testing/staging/production server, we merge this branch into respective branch.
Here we are taking dev1 branch as a feature branch and we will merge dev1 in master branch.
Complete deployment flow:
1. Developer commits to dev1 branch
2. githooks notify jenkins that there is a new commit
3. jenkins trigger a job to pull changes from github to it's(jenkins) workspace
4. After pull, jenkins will merge changes to master branch
There are a lot of cases in this scenario. A QA team will test the code, developer will merge master branch in his featured branch first so that there will be no conflict while merging the featured branch back into master. We didn't cover all these things in this video otherwise it will be a long video. Here We assume that all this is done and this is the last step when Jenkins job is merging featured branch in master branch.
A featured branch is nothing special but just a branch which is used to create a new feature/module/task. and when all coding stuff is done, we want to deploy it to testing/staging/production server, we merge this branch into respective branch.
Here we are taking dev1 branch as a feature branch and we will merge dev1 in master branch.
Complete deployment flow:
1. Developer commits to dev1 branch
2. githooks notify jenkins that there is a new commit
3. jenkins trigger a job to pull changes from github to it's(jenkins) workspace
4. After pull, jenkins will merge changes to master branch
There are a lot of cases in this scenario. A QA team will test the code, developer will merge master branch in his featured branch first so that there will be no conflict while merging the featured branch back into master. We didn't cover all these things in this video otherwise it will be a long video. Here We assume that all this is done and this is the last step when Jenkins job is merging featured branch in master branch.
DevOps: Jenkins job to merge testing branch in master
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