Все публикации

Deploy django application with docker-compose (mysql running on host machine)

kubernetes HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)

Deploy Django project in Kubernetes | zero downtime deployment | scale django deployment

Monitor Nginx metrics using Prometheus and Grafana (realtime count http requests by status code)

ElasticSearch + Logstash: realtime monitoring of nginx logs (ElasticSearch for beginners)

Install monitoring tools - Prometheus and Grafana

Jenkins: distributed jobs and cloud (create static nodes)

pylint: understand error/warning categories | enable/disable specific error/warning category

Complete build pipeline: Auto deploy changes to server as soon as dev commits to git repo

Docker ps: Filter and Format result | use docker ps in jenkins to starting new container

Jenkins: Configure email notifications (send an email when a build fails)

DevOps: Jenkins job to merge testing branch in master

Jenkins: add git config options username and email

DevOps: auto deployment (git -- jenkins -- remote server)