Why Didn’t The US Nuke Germany in WW2?

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The United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan, but the question arises why didn't the United States Nuke Germany in World War 2? To find out watch this short animated history video!
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Captain History aims to answer historical questions in short funny animated history documentaries. Heavily inspired by History Matters and Oversimplified we try to teach history in an entertaining way!
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Pretty obvious why, they surrendered before the nuke was finished. They would've done it if Germany was still fighting.


When they stared development on the bomb, I'm sure they did not exclude Germany from potential target. I rarely hear this mentioned. We developed the bomb to beat the Nazis in case they were building one. Not to drop just on Japan.


We had troops in Europe.
No ally troops were on the island of Japan.
I don’t think the Allie’s we were fighting with and for on their land would have taken it lightly.


As a German, the allies would've done us a favor had they nuked bavaria


Germany was invaded by the sovietic army months before the war ended...why US would nuke them? Japan was nuked because they dont surrendered until the end


I see you steal just about every animation aspect of your videos from History Matters.


They gave us enough enriched uranium to build at least 1 bomb.


The entire Manhattan project was started because they believed germany was developing one. Fission was discovered in germany. But they either kicked out or unpersoned the very scientists responsible for most of those discoveries imcluding the man who came up with the mathematical description for the conversion of matter to energy. A relatively well known theoretical physicist Albert Einstein with his E=mc2 who was a german citizen until the nazi rise to power forced him to flee first to the UK and then the United States. It was in the states where he lent his name to a letter written to the president desribing in underestimated detail what a nuclear bomb might do. A five character equation and a typed letter gave our species the means to produce limitless amounts of energy or kill off our entire race, funny how small things start out before going wildly out of control. And now we have politicians rattling the old nuclear saber again (on both sides)


They weren't nuked, nor were German American citizens sent to camps because they're America's European brothers.

The US was primarily still an ethnically German country at this time. They looked just each other, fought just like each other, etc.

For the same reason, Germany didn't annihilate the British army at Dunkirk when they had them dead to rights.


A dream. Also, half of the US should be too.


The answer is simple U234 or germany surrended its nukes with which Japan was nuked.
There exist a nuclear bomb paradox,
why you need the nuclear triand,
more than a handfull of them
and or the retaliation problem.
So the USA must have many more (50 - 100),
than they told the public.


I don't think the US would have nuked Germany even if they had it ready.... For some reason the US thought of imperial Japan more as an enemy than the Nazis. Plus the US didn't want to offend the German Americans. All ended well in Europe though the Soviets showed NO MERCY.


I always thought we nuked Japan because we were pissed about Pearl Harbor.


I've often wondered if we had the atomic bomb a year earlier would we have used it on Germany? I still wanna say no, because of what he just mentioned in the video. They knew it would do harm to neighboring countries. japan being an island and the life loss a land invasion would have took. It was easy to come to the decision to nuke them. I don't think even if we had the bomb in 1943 we still would Not have used it on Germany, and still nuked japan, maybe we would have dropped more than two and probably would have probably bombed Tokyo, that would be my guess.


Your are complicating that topic at that time just one thing kicks "race"
