I Tried Garbage Collection

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A portion of this video is sponsored by Google.

The City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department
Allan Company Recycling Center

Assistant Producer - Carissa S.
Thumbnail designed by @venturepsd

Production Sound Mixer - Christina Gonzalez
Supervising Sound Editor | Sound Designer - Domenic Orsi MPSE
Supervising Sound Editor | Re-recording Mixer - Christina Gonzalez

Trends insights for the past year are based on Google Trends data from 2/10/2022 - 2/10/2023.
Trends insights for the past 5 years are based on Google Trends data from 2/10/2018 - 2/10/2023.
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I think that people underappreciate how important a job like trash collecting is. Imagine what a city would be like if there wasn't something like that in place


I love how she doesn’t just do the “cool” or “popular” jobs. She’s literally the coolest and most genuine person I’ve seen online


I honestly didn't know how dangerous this job is! Thank you Michele for showcasing this incredibly important career! Without our garbage men/women, our towns, cities, and planet would not be safe! Thank you all for what you do! <3


In NYC, it’s incredibly competitive to become a sanitation worker. It’s genuinely not an easy job to do day in and day out and people really underestimate how much goes into a job like this, especially during the pandemic. There’s no option for remote. I hope people start sorting their trash properly and genuinely thank people who do this work. It’s honestly one of the most impactful careers one can have.


I've been a garbage man for 17 years. Thank you for showing everyone a little bit of our world. Be nice to your garbage man or women. Put stuff properly where it needs to go. And a coffee or any drink goes a long way!


I love how much Jackie loves the kids, and values the next generation. What a sweet lady ❤


Jackie is such a kind and wholesome soul ❤ Only 3 minutes in and she just radiates positive and beautiful energy, so amazing


Me as a sanitation worker this really brought pride to me cuz like she said you have to love what you do and the ending choked me a bit not even gonna lie cuz I felt every moment thank you so much for bringing light to all of the men and women sanitation engineers around the world great documentary 💯💯💯👌🏾💪🏾


to be honest nobody every gives the love and recognition to garbage collection employees. i love them


My step dad is a garbage man and he has been doing it his whole life and he has not missed one day of work he has never called out sick or ANYTHING, we need to appreciate their hard work and dedication ❤🎉


Girl, dont apologize for crying! You are passionate about your job, and have pride! That is so rare to find in people anymore, please keep up the great service, and wonderful attitude


“ sometimes we get jealous of other people that we forgot to appreciate the things we have” this quote really got stuck on my head❤


This girl legit does everything
Her job would be a 5 year old’s dream


Michelle, you have no idea how much I appreciate this video. I've worked in the trash industry for about 15 years now and I am SO EXCITED to see someone like you with such a large platform show how how hard this job is and what amazing people my coworkers are! I work in the office, so I don't busy my tush like the drivers do, but I know what wonderful, hard-working, and dedicated people they all are. This IS a very dangerous and thankless job. I've seen my guys and gals be injured, seen truck fires, awful wrecks caused by the carelessness of others, and (unfortunately) lost wonderful coworkers far too soon due to the dangers of the job. In the years I've been in this industry I have met wonderful friends and gained too many new 'family' members to count them all. These folks would give me, or anyone else, the shirt off their back, their time, and their wisdom without a second thought and I can't thank them enough for everything we've shared over the years. It's a dirty, smelly, thankless job and I am INCREDIBLY blessed to call all of these wonderful, amazing people my friends and chosen family. To the garbage men and women, sanitation workers of the world, thank you all for all you do. Your hard work is not unnoticed. <3


Thank you so much Michelle for showing appreciation to the most underappreciated people. If garbage collectors are reading this, thank you so much for your service. Know that I always did respect you and always did know how much risk and hard work that you had to go through for us. Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it.


Joaquin and Jackie gave me End Of Watch vibes. What a power team on such a tough job. Respect to all garbage men and women out there, keeping our world clean and spinning 🤙🏻


That ending made me cry. As someone who does not regularly seperate their trash correctly, I didn't know the impact that it caused just because of something that wouldv'e taken 2 seconds to do. I also never really saw sanitation workers as a "first line of defense" type of people, I knew they were important as any job is but without them, we would be living in filth and I just now realize that there is never a week where the sanitation workers, that come to my home, miss. Thank you to everyone who works these types of jobs! ❤


I did NOT expect to cry. Jackie and crew, you deserve everything. ❤️


I never realized how dangerous trash collecting could be. I will make sure that I am paying attention to what stuff I put into certain bins. Thank you to all trash collectors for keeping us and our cities clean. ✊


As someone who cleans the garbage bins and sometimes have to pick the whole bin by hand to apply pressurised water, i thank the people who throw their stuff in bags and rinse the milk carton!
