Is Germany safe?

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Following the recent terrorist attack in Berlin, should you stay away from Germany?

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So, basically we are not hated enough? Good.


If the differentiation of these "murders" is between "Mord" und "Totschlag", I can tell you that a "Totschlag" is simply any case of one person deliberately killing another person. "Mord" (murder) is when such a killing is further qualified by at least one of a variety of circumstances, like a cruel or reckless way of execution or having especially despicable motives, like greed.
You could say "Totschlag" is the basic act of killing, and "Mord" is an especially nasty kind of doing so. Unsurprisingly, "Mord" has a higher degree of punishment than "Totschlag".

It works the other way around, too. For example, "Tötung auf Verlangen" means that you killed someone because the victim asked you to kill them, which is punished less strictly than a regular killing.

Other cases, like "Fahrlässige Tötung" und "Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge" basically boil down to killing someone without the special will to do so, but through neglect, recklessnes and so on. But I doubt these cases would be included in a murder statistic.


"Other murder" could be "Totschlag" because it's not "Mord".
Denke ich zumindest :D


I survived 9-11. Just booked a trip to Hamburg, can't wait! Any body that regularly rides around in private automobiles is far more likely to get into serious trouble than a tourist anywhere in Germany. 30, 000 dead in the USA each year in preventable crashes.


@rewboss Thanks for mentioning that Munich had nothing to do with terrorism. It's still often used as an argument against migrants.


Es ist sehr sicher in D, solange man seine Frau nicht auf ihre Figur anspricht.


no matter which country you go to, the rational question you should make is "how safe is traffic". Besides countries that are actually at war (Syria, Pakistan, ...) there's a much bigger danger of being hit by a car then being killed or bombed deliberately by a criminal or terrorist.


Happy new year Rewboss! :)
May 2017 be a phenomenal year for your channel.


i think the other murders are "Totschlag"


as far as i know in Germany there are 4 legally different ways to kill someone, each with its own different legal consequences.
its only considered murder if you have the intent to kill someone, like you grab a gun and say i gonna kill that person and you go ahead and shoot them.
if you have the intent or wilfully accept that someone gets hurt and they do die its "Totschlag", for example you rob someone at gunpoint and kill them by accident.
if you harm someone but you have no intent to kill them and they later die of the consequences of the harm you caused its "Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge", for example you get in a fight and beat someone up and it causes internal damages and they die of that.
and lastly If its your duty to take care of someone and they die while in your custody because you made a mistake its "fahrlässige Tötung", for example a nurse wants to help but is injecting the wrong medication into a patient and they die.
so basically it all comes down to your intent and the amount of damage you are willing to inflict


@rewboss you should check the "xy einzelfall map" first hit on google... (and that is only around 20-ish %)


Happy New Year, Rewboss.

On Topic: There is and will be no safe place in the world. People asking themselves whether it's safe in Germany or any other place are hallucinating that there is a 100% crimefree world. And the type of attack in Berlin isn't something the ISIS has invented. Sad to say but these kind of attacks are everyday life in Israel. In Germany people haven't realised yet that the possibility for such attacks is always given. It only needs a offender despite all security measures. Whishful thinking of conservartive politicians to be able to prevent crime and terrorist attacks and after more than 15 years they still are able to act without officials on their heels. Inner safety is a topic that triggers me, because we introduce more and more security measures, more cameras, more data to gather and analyse. But the true point why things still happen, like the attacks in Cologne on New Years Eve last year, is the lack of policeman and -woman. The austerity in our states. The police has more to do with less personnel. And no politician thinks about prevention measures or how to re-socialise those who come back purged from Iraq and Syria or how education could provide a better reflexivity on social action. But noone wants to spend money. Not to mention that more people were murdered by right-wing terrorists in the past 27 years and our self-proclaimed protectors of our constitution were supervising and providing them.


The difference between murders and other killing crimes is quite simple: The German law gives you nine signs that makes a willful killing a murder. If none of these signs is met, but it still was willful, it's manslaughter. If it's not wilöful, it's involuntary killing and if you have a case where you beat someone in the face and he tumbles down a stairway and dies by that, you have a "death by charge". All of those are in the crime statistics as crime resulting to death, but murder really has a high threshold to be called murder.


Think of it this way: There are two major groups of muslims in Germany, turkish muslims and muslim refugees, mostly from syria. The radicals of the former group tend to be turkish nationalist, not islamistic. There simply are not enough islamist turks in Germany to organize a big attack. On the other hand, you won't find a more anti-Isis crowd than in refugee centres. They literally fled from them. While some islamists may indeed have come WITH the refugees, they certainly will have a hard time drumming up support within that community.
Compare that to Belgium or France, where the single defining factor that combines muslims in these countries is the fact that they are muslim. When they radicalize, they tend to become islamist.


The question is wether the home countries of Germany visitors are even less safer than Germany...


hiya Rewboss :D Happy new year :) (im a bit late but still)


I think the most fitting translation for "Totschlag" (I think that's what you mean by "other murder") would be "manslaughter".


looking at the statistic myself, 'other murders' is a subcategory of murders. They use ':' to mark the level of hierarchy in their statistics and 'murders' is marked ':' while 'other murders' is marked '::' along with 'murders related to sex crimes' and 'murders related to robbery'. It is only mentioned in an additional pamphlet, though. The report itself uses numbers to create a hierarchy: crimes related to homicide)->>010000(murder) ->010079(other murders). [bureaucracy lvl Prussian!] Reading the table correctly, it says there were 649 murders in total in 2015, 600 of which were not related to sex crimes or robbery.


"other murders" are those "accidental murders" so basically they are not viewn as crime as much as planned and wanted murder


The thing is: If you treat people nice it is much less likely that they want to kill you. But unfortunately I lot of people opt now to treat people worse because they are afraid of attacks.
